Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Understanding the opportunity for well-located housing in your area

By Benjamin Saines / 04 Jul, 2024

New housing targets across Australia may be seen as a challenge for Local Governments. We believe they present an opportunity to boldly encourage more diverse and well-located homes within existing infrastructure and, in doing so,...

Australia's population growth hits another record but may be slowing

Population figures to December 2023 show another record growth, but include signs that Australia's recent unprecedented growth may be slowing. Glenn breaks down the latest trends for growth across the states...

Navigating the housing crisis: insights from the front line
By Crystal McDonald / 19 Jun, 2024

Housing consultant Crystal McDonald has a long career in the housing space. She's also a mum who spent most of last year searching for a home. In this blog, Crystal connects the housing data many of us...

Living in Australia 2024: National Community Views Survey - Key Insights Report
By Daniel Evans / 13 Jun, 2024

The Living in Australia 2024: National Community Views Survey - Key Insights Report (DOWNLOAD HERE) draws on the views of the more than 5,000 people who participated in .id’s annual Living in Australia...

Local realities for the national economic outlook
By Rob Hall / 05 Jun, 2024

The federal government recently shared their view of the national economic outlook for the next financial year. This broad picture of the expected economic conditions is a critical driver of government...

Keeping key workers local: the impact of housing unaffordability
By Nenad Petrović / 04 Jun, 2024

Housing unaffordability affects an entire community but can be especially challenging for key workers, who often have lower-paying jobs. This impacts the local economy (being able to to attract or retain...

Will the budget measures ease the housing crisis?
By Crystal McDonald / 23 May, 2024

The latest federal budget was handed down in the midst of a national housing crisis. Housing consultant Crystal McDonald breaks down what measures were included in the budget to address the crisis.

The Importance of Land Use Planning in Local Government Areas
By Dieter Krusic-Golub / 21 May, 2024

Land use planning is a critical component of the planning process for local government areas (LGAs), as it helps to ensure that land is used and developed in a way that supports the needs and priorities of the...

Compromising on consistency: The risk in using public forecast data alone
By Andrew Hedge / 16 May, 2024

If you're planning infrastructure or services or making an investment or location decision, at some point you will need a population forecast to help you understand how many people will live (or, in other...

Australia's migration boom: where are our new migrants coming from?

Australia is a nation of migrants, and migration has boomed since the end of COVID border restrictions. Where are our new migrants coming from? Glenn Capuano breaks down how our migration "source countries" are...

Inner city areas of Australia are booming – regional population growth 2022-23 update

A return to the cities? The latest population figures from the ABS allows us to see how the record growth we know happened in 2022–23 at State and National levels was spread around the country at the LGA level....

How housing development is shaping population growth in Newcastle and the Hunter
By Liza Ivanova / 08 Mar, 2024

As forecasters, we simplify millions of data points into a single forecast number that tells you when, where and how much a place is expected to grow. But that simplicity can disguise the deep and considered...

The population forecast for New South Wales
By Andrew Hedge / 08 Mar, 2024

New South Wales is Australia’s most populated state, with just under a third of the national population residing in NSW. The disruptions of the COVID pandemic had a significant impact on the state, with a net...

Understanding the community’s views of climate change
By Dan Evans / 06 Feb, 2024

Understanding and mitigating the effects of climate change is fast becoming a central feature in policy across all levels of government. While stand-alone adaptation strategies exist, the nature of climate...

Working with community foundations – a Northern Rivers case study
By Nenad Petrović / 29 Jan, 2024

While .id is primarily known for working with local government authorities or private businesses and organisations who use our forecast data to plan for the future, we also work with community organisations...

Helping Councils improve key worker housing affordability
By Nenad Petrović / 16 Jan, 2024

Housing affordability is a common topic of conversation across Australia. Taking the case study of Regional Victoria, Nenad takes a look at how rising housing costs impacts an area’s ability to attract and...

Migration drives Australia’s record 2022–23 population growth

The latest population growth figures from the ABS completes the financial year picture for 2022–23, showing record population growth. Strong overseas migration remains the key driver for the nation, with...

What’s standing in the way of us building adaptable cities?
By Richard Thornton / 13 Dec, 2023

As one of our most experienced population forecasters, Richard Thornton’s daily work exposes him to the many factors that influence when, where and how much growth occurs in different parts of Australia. In...

What is the State of Regions Presentation?
By Ronald Haupt / 13 Dec, 2023

Each year, our economics team travels across Australia to deliver State of the Regions updates. These presentations, focused on the LGA or region level, provide valuable insights into the economic changes...

Australia’s life expectancy falls slightly due to COVID

The latest Australian life expectancy dataset has recently been released for the 2020–2022 period. Demographer Glenn Capuano unpacks the impact of COVID-19, lays out how life expectancy varies across Australia,...

A return to the cities – what our nation-wide forecasts reveal about the future of Australia
By Andrew Hedge / 09 Nov, 2023

In October, we held a series of launch events to celebrate the fact, our detailed, local area forecast of population, housing and development, are now available nationwide. In today’s blog, we share...

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