Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Fun stuff

What is Australia's largest suburb?

Which suburb is Australia's most populous? A recent question from one of our Local Government clients prompted this piece on our most populated suburbs and the pitfalls of looking at numbers without context. Australia seems to have an...

Australia’s life expectancy falls slightly due to COVID

The latest Australian life expectancy dataset has recently been released for the 2020–2022 period. Demographer Glenn Capuano unpacks the impact of COVID-19, lays out how life expectancy varies across Australia,...

Australia’s life expectancy ranks 6th in the world

The latest release of Life Tables shows life expectancy in Australia continues to grow, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Glenn looks at how Australia compares with other countries and revisits his personal life...

Happy 10th birthday to .id's blog!

Ten years ago, .id published our first blog. Glenn takes a look back at a decade of conversations about demographics, population forecasting, economics, housing and more.

Crime on the rise…or is it just about perception?

Reality and perception. For more than 20 years, .id has been working to arm our clients and communities with clear, reliable and objective data to inform their decisions. But the other side of the coin is how...

The City of Australia
By Nenad Petrović / 30 Aug, 2019

If Australia’s population lived in one city, how large would that city be if it were as dense as… Melbourne? …Hobart? What if it had the same population density as Darwin? How far would that city stretch, and...

The power of positive thinking – and the immortal baby

At .id our population forecasters prepare 25-year population forecasts for local council areas and sometimes for other regions.

Toward the year 2018 – a look ahead from 50 years ago

In 1968, a group of 12 thought leaders gathered together at a futurist conference in New York, USA. Their topic? What will the world be like in 2018?

I am feeling very Olympic today!
By Georgia Allan / 08 Feb, 2018

Over the weekend, my most favourite movie of all time, Cool Runnings, was on TV.

A demographic view of the same sex marriage survey results
By Georgia Allan / 16 Nov, 2017

Yesterday, the results of the Marriage Law Survey were released by the ABS – and the result was YES – Australians should be allowed to marry whoever they love, regardless of their sex.

Notching up 20 years – Happy Birthday to us!
By Jo Little / 14 Sep, 2017

Recently, an important birthday slipped by largely unnoticed. So, in the fine tradition of outing the quiet ones to force recognition of their birthday, I’m bravely calling out my employer – .id. That’s right,...

So, who voted Trump?
By Rebecca / 14 Nov, 2016

While many around the world are still coming to terms with new American president-elect Donald Trump, some are asking: Who voted for Trump?

Using '40s technology to predict how policies affect our economy

How can you predict the effect of monetary policy on the economy? Apparently, the answer has been around since the ’40s!

Generational change – the kids take over the office – Merry Christmas!
By Lila / 24 Dec, 2015

How awesome is it working at .id! Seeing all us parents bring in our kids on Christmas eve and watching them play. Junior demographers in the making.

The Southern Hemisphere dominates the Rugby World Cup!

Southern Hemisphere rugby reigns supreme as the semi-finals of the Rugby World Cup (RWC) loom with all four teams from south of the equator. Why is this relevant in a population blog you might ask? Well apart...

Who is Malcolm Turnbull? The demographics of Australian Prime Ministers
By Katie Bayley / 24 Sep, 2015

They say a week is a long time in politics. Indeed, just over a week ago Malcolm Turnbull became the 29th Prime Minister of Australia. Over the weekend he announced his new cabinet. As passionate advocates for...

Inclusive and accessible urban spaces
By Rebecca / 17 Jul, 2015

4.2 million Australians, or 18.5% of the population, are estimated to have a disability, according to the 2012 Survey of Disabilities, Ageing and Carers (SDAC). Are our cities planned for them?

Depicting demographic and migration trends in art
By Georgia Allan / 07 Jul, 2015

Apart from using numbers and charts, how can we visually present and tell a compelling story about demographic and migration trends? Over the past month, the team at .id have very kindly let me out of the...

Planning for the happiness and well-being of your community

The definition of happiness and well-being differs greatly from one person to another. This doesn’t just apply to individuals but also to local governments and their communities. How can you effectively measure...

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