Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

By - victor fisher

.id Housing series Part 2 | Downsizing to the good life

By Victor Fisher / 14 Aug, 2018

As you grow older, do you want to stay in the suburb you’re familiar with? Through our work with the City of Moonee Valley, we found that many residents would like to age in place, but some struggle to find suitable housing options as...

.id Housing series Part 1 | Fostering family-friendly flats
By Victor Fisher / 28 Jun, 2018

In a recent survey conducted by social researchers Ipsos, Housing was revealed as the fastest growing issue of the top five issues concerning Australians.

Victoria claws back migration deficit from South-East Queensland
By Victor Fisher / 19 Apr, 2018

When Victor noticed the reversal of a migration trend we’ve come to expect in recent years (the outflow of migration from Victoria to South-East Queensland) – he thought he’d dig a little deeper to find out...

Exploring census data: the importance of geographic scale
By Victor Fisher / 09 Nov, 2017

The ABS Census is a critical resource that offers us invaluable insights into our communities and how they are changing.

Understanding places: How to tell a demographic story
By Victor Fisher / 12 Oct, 2017

Australia is a diverse country which varies greatly from state to state, suburb to suburb and even between neighbouring neighbourhoods. One way of understanding a place and the people who live there is to use...

How skilled are Australia's migrants?
By Victor Fisher / 07 Jun, 2017

The Federal Government’s decision to abolish the Temporary Work Visa (known as the 457 visa), and replace it with the new Temporary Skill Shortage Visa, has stoked recent public discussion about Australia’s...

How to categorise local areas in Australia
By Victor Fisher / 23 Mar, 2017

We often talk about places as being cities, suburban or rural but have you ever wondered what the specific characteristics are that classify an area as such? And what do these characteristics mean in the...

It’s all about people and places
By Victor Fisher / 02 Mar, 2017

We are often approached by clients needing to solve complex service-delivery issues and make strategic business decisions. While using an evidence-base to assist in decision-making is a well-known approach, at...

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