Australia’s rental affordability hits record low: Get a closer look using housing.id and views.id
Rental affordability in Australia has hit its lowest point on record, according to REA Group’s 2025 report powered by Proptrack. While the COVID pandemic marked a turning point, the severity of the crisis varies by state—NSW remains the...
A different type of house price update
Everyone loves keeping up with and discussing housing prices. But most conversations focus on high-level median figures. In this blog, Georgia demonstrates the importance of understanding entry-level prices,...
New insights on housing affordability for local workers
Do you know whether workers in your area can afford to live locally? It's an important question to answer, which is why we're excited to launch a new page on our housing monitor, housing.id, which does just...
Understanding the opportunity for well-located housing in your area
New housing targets across Australia may be seen as a challenge for Local Governments. We believe they present an opportunity to boldly encourage more diverse and well-located homes within existing...
Navigating the housing crisis: insights from the front line
Housing consultant Crystal McDonald has a long career in the housing space. She's also a mum who spent most of last year searching for a home. In this blog, Crystal connects the housing data many of us...
Keeping key workers local: the impact of housing unaffordability
Housing unaffordability affects an entire community but can be especially challenging for key workers, who often have lower-paying jobs. This impacts the local economy (being able to to attract or retain...
Will the budget measures ease the housing crisis?
The latest federal budget was handed down in the midst of a national housing crisis. Housing consultant Crystal McDonald breaks down what measures were included in the budget to address the crisis.
Helping Councils improve key worker housing affordability
Housing affordability is a common topic of conversation across Australia. Taking the case study of Regional Victoria, Nenad takes a look at how rising housing costs impacts an area’s ability to attract and...
How technology can bring real change to accelerate housing supply
This guest blog from our colleagues at Archistar takes a look at the way complex processes and regulations slow down property construction, contributing to Australia’s housing crisis. It goes on to look at how...
Could private capital resolve our housing crisis?
Could property investment capital be redirected to offer new solutions to Australia’s housing crises? Why aren’t existing solutions gaining traction? A summary of the PEXA / LongView housing whitepaper,...
Is renting in Australia broken?
At a time when more people are renting for longer, the rental market is facing a series of challenges. Rental affordability and availability is decreasing for those most in need, while the rental experience...
Rate of homelessness falls during the pandemic, but not everywhere
Newly released Census 2021 data shows the overall rate of homelessness in Australia has fallen since 2016. But this is by no means the end of the story; as is always the case with these sorts of trends, the...
‘Vacant’ dwellings – Keep calm and dig a little deeper….
Everyone loves a good headline! In this blog, Georgia looks at the nuances of unoccupied dwellings which are sometimes overlooked by media reporting.
Why having more affordable sales than rentals is not always a good thing
A cautionary tale! Georgia shares an easy trap to fall into when looking at affordable housing supply to the detriment of some of the most vulnerable in the housing market. She then shares why it’s a trap, and...
What can Councils do about affordable housing?
Today we’re launching a new resource – an ebook we hope will provide you with some new ideas for tackling housing affordability in your area.
Understanding housing affordability - a case study from Regional Australia
Following on from our recent post about housing affordability in Regional Australia, this case study focuses on a regional municipality experiencing increasing property prices. What does this mean regarding...
The role of Local Government in Victoria’s Big Housing Build
The Victorian State Government’s “Big Housing Build” announcement was widely well received, but left some in Local Government wondering what role they’ll be able to play. In this blog, Nenad breaks down the...
Salisbury – the role of affordable housing in a family area
In today’s blog, Glenn uses a new housing monitor that was recently commissioned by the City of Salisbury to show you who lives in that part of Northern Adelaide, how patterns in housing tenure are changing in...
Map: How many 3-bedroom homes are occupied by lone persons in your area?
In today’s blog, Georgia uses the example of ‘lone persons living in 3 bedroom homes’ to demonstrate a mismatch between household types and dwellings. We’re writing about this today because this information is...
Future uses for student accommodation
Since the late 1990s, Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) has been a feature of development in and around the centres of education in our cities, housing the burgeoning student population that has...
Where are the most at risk mortgage holders?
In the current climate of economic and social uncertainty, many have started to ask how this is likely to impact residents in their local area. Will low income households be able to make their financial...