Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Economic analysis

Local realities for the national economic outlook

By Rob Hall / 05 Jun, 2024

The federal government recently shared their view of the national economic outlook for the next financial year. This broad picture of the expected economic conditions is a critical driver of government spending. The national economic...

Keeping key workers local: the impact of housing unaffordability
By Nenad Petrović / 04 Jun, 2024

Housing unaffordability affects an entire community but can be especially challenging for key workers, who often have lower-paying jobs. This impacts the local economy (being able to to attract or retain...

What is the State of Regions Presentation?
By Ronald Haupt / 13 Dec, 2023

Each year, our economics team travels across Australia to deliver State of the Regions updates. These presentations, focused on the LGA or region level, provide valuable insights into the economic changes...

Spotlight on Greater Melbourne - Economic Insights and Outlook
By Rob Hall / 18 Sep, 2023

On the 5th of September 2023, more than 130 local and state government professionals participated in the Spotlight on Greater Melbourne Economy webinar where we highlighted key findings from the 2023 State of...

Exploring the industry sectors that make your region unique

.id has recently launched a new tool to help communities understand and promote their strategic industries. In today’s blog, we explore the insights we found from exploring the Creative and Cultural sector in...

Early insights from 2023 NIEIR State of the Regions dataset
By Rob Hall / 08 May, 2023

.id recently published the 2023 NIEIR State of the Regions (SOR) dataset. This dataset is the country’s only economic and employment dataset that provides annual economic and employment information at the LGA...

Missing millions – the problem with using Census data for employment estimates
By Rob Hall / 17 Jan, 2023

Recently, I have been asked a lot about why ABS Census employment estimates are different to other sources like the ABS Labour Force and NIEIR’s LGA employment estimates. In this blog, I thought i’d share some...

Are there enough local jobs for your residents?
By Rob Hall / 26 Oct, 2022

Of the people who live in your area, how many work locally? Are there enough local jobs for your residents? Do local jobs meet the needs of your residents?

Who was working from home on Census day 2021?

The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly accelerated a transition to working from home. What does the Census tell us about this trend? How did lockdowns and work-from-home rules and recommendations affect the data and...

2021 Census – second release data out now

The ABS have released their second tranche of data from the 2021 Census. Glenn walks us through what’s in the second-release datasets, and the national stories they tell us.

Keynote presentation – Economic and Demographic Disruption
By Rob Hall / 08 Sep, 2022

Urban economist, Rob Hall has drawn on .id’s Economic Health Check reports to deliver a keynote presentation at the recent LGAQ conference.

Investing in education assets to address skill shortages
By JOHN KIM / 18 Aug, 2022

Providing safe, effective and accessible health care services is important for the smooth functioning of the community and its economy. However, Australia has a shortage of healthcare professionals and the...

State of Regions Dataset shows jobs below pre-pandemic level in over half of LGAs
By Rob Hall / 25 Feb, 2022

During February, .id (informed decisions) released the State of the Regions Dataset for 2021. This national dataset, released annually, provides economic and employment data for EVERY Local Government Authority...

COVID-19 – The death of small businesses or the rise of ‘zombies’?

In this blog, Keenan explores what the mid-year release of Business data by the ABS tells us about the COVID impacts on small business numbers.

Remote working - the new reality?

History shows that the recovery period following economic downturns can often accelerate the transition of industries or magnify trends that were already occurring in the economy. In this blog, Keenan explores...

Regions vulnerable to the end of jobkeeper
By Rob Hall / 11 May, 2021

Australia continues to recover strongly from the impact of COVID-19 but the recovery phase varies from region to region. In this update, Rob identifies regions that may be vulnerable to the end of JobKeeper.

Quarterly Economic Data shows the impact of COVID-19 on local jobs
By Rob Hall / 28 Apr, 2021

Australia’s economy continues to recover strongly from the impact of COVID-19, but as this blog shows, the job impacts of COVID-19 varies from region to region. In this update, Rob identifies the Local...

Australia’s Consumer Price Index records its greatest fall in history

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a key measure of inflation in Australia. The latest CPI update showed inflation has turned negative for only the third time since the index was started in 1948. But does this...

Themes emerging from our COVID-19 economic analysis
By Rob Hall / 26 Jun, 2020

With our economic outlook for local economies now online, Rob Hall shares some common themes we’re noticing as we work with councils to develop their local response to Covid-19. Rob looks at the...

Now online: the economic outlook for local economies
By RYAN / 09 Jun, 2020

This post provides a brief overview of the new resources available from our economics team to help you understand the impact of Covid-19 on your local economy.

Federal Government’s “HomeBuilder” scheme – where will the money go?

Glenn provides some context for today’s announcement of the Federal Government’s Homebuilder scheme: What contribution does construction, especially residential construction, make to the Australian economy?...

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