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Economic analysis

Unemployment rises to 6.2%. But less than expected.

The ABS releases Labour Force data every month, from its largest ongoing survey, of around 25,000 households each month. The April 2020 release, on May 14th, 2020 was the most closely watched for some time, as it was expected to show...

Webinar recap: the regional economic impacts of COVID-19
By Rob Hall / 20 Apr, 2020

Our economics team have been working with NIEIR to model the impacts of COVID-19 on local and regional economies across Australia. In this blog, Rob Hall recaps yesterday’s webinar where he shared the early...

How to create an economic baseline for your Covid-19 response plan
By RYAN / 16 Apr, 2020

As many councils work to support their local communities, businesses and industries during the Covid-19 pandemic, Ryan James reminds us of some basic methods to assess the status of your local economy. Webinar...

The economic impacts of natural disasters
By Admin / 28 Jan, 2020

We would like to acknowledge the difficult conditions many of our friends in bushfire affected areas have faced over the holiday period and the considerable hardship and stress the fires have caused. We hope...

Interactive chart: what drove your local economy in 2018/19?

With newly-released local area economic data now in our local area economic profiles (, Keenan Jackson provides some commentary and insights to help you understand what factors influenced the...

The impact of skills shortages on local economic development
By Rob Hall / 23 Dec, 2019

In 2019, there were a few challenges that we repeatedly saw local councils grappling with as an impediment to economic development in their area. This is the first in a four-part series where our economics team...

Resources to help you prepare a competitive BBRF grant application
By Rob Hall / 14 Nov, 2019

The federal government has just opened round four of the Building Better Regions Fund. $200 million of funding is now available and is aimed at helping drought-affected communities.

Monitor your investment pipeline using non-residential buildings approvals
By JOHN KIM / 16 Oct, 2019

Last Friday, October 11th, the .id economics team released the latest update to the building approvals data. With this update, users can monitor the latest economic trends in their Local Government Area (LGA).

Monitoring the health of local economies
By Rob Hall / 09 Oct, 2019

In the lead up to the release of 2018/19 NIEIR Data on, Rob Hall looks at the implications of the current economic environment and recent Reserve Bank decisions for local and regional economies. If...

Riding the boom and bust

This week, Keenan and Glenn are heading north to attend the Developing Northern Australia conference in Karratha, where they’ll be speaking with local policymakers, economic development professionals and a...

'Spatial leashes' in our communities
By Andrew Hedge / 20 Jun, 2019

When we released our new Sexes Communities of Interest module recently, we had great feedback from several councils’ community wellbeing teams.

How has your local economy fared in recent years? (interactive charts)

Two years is a long time in economic development at the local government level. .id economist, Keenan Jackson, has prepared this analysis with interactive charts for every local government area in Australia,...

The impact of falling house prices on local economies
By Rob Hall / 26 Feb, 2019

The recent dip in house prices has implications for local economic development, particularly in our largest cities, says .id’s Senior Urban Economist, Rob Hall.

How to avoid an overcount of 8,708 jobs

Most Local Government Areas show an increase in jobs simply because the ‘not stated’ employment locations have now been allocated to a place. Many of our users of are looking at how the number of...

Are you basing economic development decisions on false news?
By Rob Hall / 13 Nov, 2018

More than two years after the ABS made a significant change to the way they collect and calculate employment data, we’re still hearing confusion about this dataset from the sector. In the case of one council,...

Are there enough local jobs for your residents?

Of the people who live in your area, how many work locally? As planners work toward 30-minute cities, new data (exclusive to shows where longer daily commutes are on the rise. Glenn explains the...

Measuring the casualisation of your workforce

The ‘gig economy’ is the most recent incarnation of a decades-long trend toward under-employment and the ‘casualisation’ of our workforce. But how do you tell if this trend is playing out in your area?

How much does a 60-year-old aged-care worker in Burnie actually make?

This week there was a debate in the lower house about the Government’s proposed tax cuts package – and one statement caught the attention of media.

Clustering for innovation

Early last year, I had the opportunity to work with the City of Monash to develop a strategic economic profile of the council area. It was a rewarding and interesting project as I got to explore one of...

Where are all the jobs?

We hear a lot about the growth of jobs in Australia’s cities, but in this article, Keenan shows that’s only part of the story. This is a cautionary tale for anyone analysing how jobs growth in any part of...

Timely data on the workforce impacts of COVID-19

The ABS have been working overtime to produce statistical collections above and beyond their regular programs, in order to help us understand the impacts of Covid-19. Glenn gives us an overview of one important...

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