Australia's changing causes of death
As Australians live longer, we are seeing changes in our leading causes of death. Diseases associated with old age are taking over from previous leading causes such as heart disease. Glenn Capuano investigates the connections between...
Locating hidden disadvantage
A new release from the ABS measures disadvantage at the household level, offering new insights on the distribution of advantage disadvantage across the country. Census expert Glenn Capuano breaks down the new...
Understanding community views on climate change and its local impact
The Living in Australia 2024: National Community Views Survey - Key Insights Report (DOWNLOAD HERE) draws on the views of the more than 5,000 people who participated in .id’s annual Living in Australia...
Why social cohesion is crucial for a functioning society
In recent times, Australian leaders, including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, have stressed the importance of social cohesion in fostering a unified and resilient society....
Western Australia the fastest growing state in 2023-24
Australia's population is still growing strongly, but the growth rate is definitely falling from the heights we saw in the 2022-23 year. Western Australia saw the most growth over 2023-24, while other states...
Measuring the impact of environmental risk and climate change perceptions
For 27 years, .id have been Australia's premier independent demographics and population forecasting experts. We've told the story of Australia's people and communities to hundreds of local government...
The community's views on 'cost of living': who is concerned and implications for health and wellbeing
The Living in Australia 2024: National Community Views Survey - Key Insights Report (DOWNLOAD HERE) draws on the views of the more than 5,000 people who participated in .id’s annual Living in Australia...
.id partners with Archistar to deliver population and housing forecasts to property researchers
We're excited to announce a new partnership with Archistar that will bring forecasts from .id's National Forecasting Program directly to their property development platform. Through this integration, Archistar...
2024 State of the Regions Economic Dataset: Spotlight on Greater Melbourne Report
As economic landscapes shift, it’s more important than ever to stay informed about both national and local trends. This report (DOWNLOAD HERE) was created in support of our State of the Regions 2024: Economic...
The importance of understanding housing experiences at the local level
The Living in Australia 2024: National Community Views Survey - Key Insights Report (DOWNLOAD HERE) draws on the views of the more than 5,000 people who participated in .id’s annual Living in Australia...
A different type of house price update
Everyone loves keeping up with and discussing housing prices. But most conversations focus on high-level median figures. In this blog, Georgia demonstrates the importance of understanding entry-level prices,...
How a falling birth rate impacts future demand for schools and children's services
By 2044, Australia will have nearly 150,000 fewer primary school-aged children than previously forecast. That's the impact of an update to our forecasts to account for new, up-to-date information about the...
Australia's birth rate falls to an all-time low
A recent data release from the ABS shows Australia's birth rate reached it's lowest recorded level in 2023. Glenn Capuano looks at the stories behind the headline. How do birth rates vary across the states and...
Australia's death rate falls to an all time low
According to data just released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there were 183,131 deaths registered in Australia in 2023. The leading cause of death was heart disease – just ahead of dementia, which is...
The importance of feeling safe: a key factor in Australian communities
The Living in Australia 2024: National Community Views Survey - Key Insights Report (DOWNLOAD HERE) draws on the views of the more than 5,000 people who participated in .id’s annual Living in Australia...
New insights on housing affordability for local workers
Do you know whether workers in your area can afford to live locally? It's an important question to answer, which is why we're excited to launch a new page on our housing monitor,, which does just...
Australia's population hits 27 million, migration slows slightly
Australia's population has passed 27 million, as of March 2024, while the rate of population growth due to overseas migration has slowed slightly in the latest quarter of data. Demographer Glenn Capuano breaks...
Leadership transition at .id: a new chapter begins
Melbourne, Australia – .id (informed decisions), Australia’s leading provider of tools and consulting services that convert national data into actionable insights for local decision-making, is announcing a...
Grunt work and granularity required in grant proposals
Is your council taking advantage of State and Federal grant opportunities? Nenad uses the current Thriving Suburbs Program as an example to demonstrate how councils can use .id tools to support grant...
Modelling the likely future for disability services across Australia
- Australian census /
- Demographic analysis /
- Local area analysis /
- Population forecasting /
- Demographics
With the latest 2022 release of the Australian Bureau of Statistics' Survey of Disability, Ageing, and Carers comes a significant change in the Nation's disability outlook. As our population evolves, both in...
What is Australia's largest suburb?
Which suburb is Australia's most populous? A recent question from one of our Local Government clients prompted this piece on our most populated suburbs and the pitfalls of looking at numbers without context....