Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Population forecasting

The 10 things you need to know about population forecasts

Knowing how the population will change is extremely valuable for any organisation that is planning for the future. To inform your plans and make confident decisions you will need to rely on a population forecast to quantify the size and...

Case Study – Planning for schools: Willoughby Public School
By Sally Blandy / 20 Oct, 2015

The community around Willoughby Public School (WPS) were concerned that the Department of Education was underestimating the population pressures the school faced. They sought out .id for an independent...

Which population forecast should I use?

On two occasions I have been asked, “Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?” … I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that...

Forecasting slow growing areas – the example of Burnside
By Simone - Myth Buster / 31 Aug, 2015

Here at .id we provide population and dwelling forecasts to about 120 local governments across Australia. It’s a common misconception that all of these are rapidly growing areas – and many are – but a key use...

Melbourne changes direction – a new era of urban development

Melbourne is growing up. For the first time in the city’s history, urban infill development is outpacing greenfield development on the city’s fringes.

Using population forecasts to project the health outcomes of suburbs
By Ivan - The Founder / 19 Feb, 2015

While there are well-documented links between health behaviours and health outcomes, there is also a growing body of work suggesting that the way we are designing and building our suburbs can have a significant...

Modelling future disability service demand in Wyndham

One of the most common questions we are asked at training sessions is “Do you have any information on disability?”. There is some information in the Census, on Need For Assistance, but it’s fairly basic, just a...

Putting forward a reasoned view on Australian immigration
By Ivan - The Founder / 16 Oct, 2014

A recent BRW Article noted that some key business leaders people were taking up arms against ‘Big Australia’.

Why are the population figures different in profile and
By Simone - Myth Buster / 07 Oct, 2014

One of the more challenging aspects of working in the demographic field is the multitude of different population figures we have to deal with. If it’s not a final figure, it’s probably preliminary, revised,...

Forecasting demand for high schools in NSW

Next year, a new high school will welcome students to the old Bradfield TAFE site in Crows Nest, Sydney. It will be the first high school to open on Sydney’s north shore since 1961.

Western Australian small area forecasts covering the whole state are now available
By Esther - Team Forecast / 10 Sep, 2014

How are the SAFi forecasts used? This blog has been superseded and we have now updated our population forecasts for Western Australia. Read more here. We are proud to announce the completion of our latest set...

Forecasting demand for primary schools in NSW

Bourke Street Primary, a quaint school in Sydney’s inner-city, had 74 students in 2010. Back then official forecasts showed that by 2014 the school would have grown to 112 students, and was making plans...

Locating retirement living villages to meet demand

A prominent retirement living provider was looking to make a substantial investment in capacity across Victoria and NSW. They needed to be able to anticipate demand and invest with confidence.

Does ‘Big Australia’ mean ‘Big Immigration’?
By Ivan - The Founder / 21 Aug, 2014

In our last post, we noted that while Australian population growth is projected to slow towards the end of this century, Australia will still ‘outgrow’ much of the world, including many of our major trading...

Australia – outgrowing the world?
By Ivan - The Founder / 14 Aug, 2014

Despite two world wars, the 20th Century produced an unprecedented explosion in the human population. But that was then and this is now, and the human species isn’t growing like it used to. In fact, the latest...

Location analysis – solving the where-when riddle for a major Australian charity

A major Australian charity was looking for ways to increase donation rates. In particular, they wanted to know where their static, mobile and new donation centres should be located, now and in the future....

Forecasting the demand for water services in fast-growing Melbourne

Our client is a utility provider in regional Victoria. In a rapidly growing region, they use forecasts of population and dwelling growth to help determine the timing, size and location of future infrastructure...

Is Sydney ready for a 'big' future?

Recently Michael Koziol, writing in the Sydney Morning Herald, argued that Melbourne has planned better for growth than Sydney.

Coburg Junior High secures $3.5m in funding with the help of .id forecasts

At .id, we welcomed the news in the recent Victorian State Budget that the Coburg community would receive $3.5m in funding for a junior high school. This is the culmination of a long community campaign for the...

Melbourne’s growth remains ‘fringe-focused’

‘Plan Melbourne’ carries through a commitment to containing urban sprawl, but as we show in our recent ebook , growth will remain focused in the outer suburbs over the foreseeable future. So as Melbourne pushes...

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