Population forecasting
Is Sydney ready for a 'big' future?
Recently Michael Koziol, writing in the Sydney Morning Herald, argued that Melbourne has planned better for growth than Sydney.
Coburg Junior High secures $3.5m in funding with the help of .id forecasts
At .id, we welcomed the news in the recent Victorian State Budget that the Coburg community would receive $3.5m in funding for a junior high school. This is the culmination of a long community campaign for the...
Melbourne’s growth remains ‘fringe-focused’
‘Plan Melbourne’ carries through a commitment to containing urban sprawl, but as we show in our recent ebook , growth will remain focused in the outer suburbs over the foreseeable future. So as Melbourne pushes...
Massive population growth forecast in Wyndham – but is that the entire story?
assumptions-vs-predictions-the-science-of-forecastingWyndham City Council is a rapidly growing suburban area located in Melbourne’s outer south west. Growth has been so rapid, that in recent years it has often...
Share of urban development in greenfield versus established areas
We recently had an enquiry from a client in Cardinia regarding the share of development in Melbourne in greenfield versus established areas. Scott and I have spent some time and we have crunched the numbers for...
Three growth markets in Australia you need to know about
For more than a generation the term ‘baby boomer’ has defined demographic analysis in Australia. However, while it is the most visible, it is not the only story playing out in the Australian population data,...
The end of urban infill?
While much attention is focussed on the very rapid rates of growth on our urban fringes, the amount of infill development in established areas is often overlooked. In some parts of our cities, infill...
Population forecasters: What were they thinking?
How did the population forecasters of last century think that Australia’s population would change and grow?
The importance of the "bigger picture" when forecasting
On a recent trip to South Australia with my colleague and frequent blog contributor, Simone, I was fortunate enough to engage in two client meetings. The first was to “kick off” a forecast review for Adelaide...
Assumptions vs predictions – the science of forecasting
Many of us at .id are fortunate to travel to various corners of the country to visit and meet with clients. Not only does this enable us to get to know the places for which we prepare profiles, atlases and...
We’re not growing, so we don’t need a population forecast. Think again….
Over the years I’ve heard many people from local government excuse their lack of interest in population forecasts by blaming it on a lack of growth in their municipality. “Why do we need to know about our...
Which way is up? The difference between ‘bottoms-up’ and ‘tops-down’ population forecasting
Our clients often express a bit of uncertainty about the difference between the various approaches to population forecasting.
New South Wales – a population forecasting journey
The pundits enjoy talking about Queensland and Western Australia for their population and employment growth potential, but for sheer scale and size, New South Wales is the winner. We have had the ‘pleasure’ of...