Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Put your hand up if you are a New Zealander!

In a previous blog, I discussed the spatial distribution of different ethnicities in New Zealand. Now that the 2013 census is well under way, it is interesting to contemplate what the results will reveal in regard to New Zealand’s...

Economic profiling just got more sophisticated

The economic data modelling in, done by National Economics, is a sophisticated micro-simulation model of your local economy, and is updated every year. We have just loaded a new dataset, complete to...

We’re not growing, so we don’t need a population forecast. Think again….
By Simone - Myth Buster / 19 Mar, 2013

Over the years I’ve heard many people from local government excuse their lack of interest in population forecasts by blaming it on a lack of growth in their municipality. “Why do we need to know about our...

Re-looking at Google Glasses ? Will we catch the fever?
By Rebecca / 15 Mar, 2013

A while ago, Jim wrote a blog about the Google Glass and what it can do. Before we know it, earlier this year, Google released its first developer’s version which could be bought at approximately USD$1500....

Which way is up? The difference between ‘bottoms-up’ and ‘tops-down’ population forecasting
By Esther - Team Forecast / 12 Mar, 2013

Our clients often express a bit of uncertainty about the difference between the various approaches to population forecasting.

Happy International Women?s Day!
By Rebecca / 08 Mar, 2013

Happy International Women’s Day! Every year on 8 March, the world comes together to celebrate the achievements and equality of women. While there’s much testosterone at .id, and that the number of women can be...

What to do when you think the ABS doesn’t recognise your town’s population? Form a republic!

Well, according to this article and a report on one of those 6:30pm shows on the telly, that’s what the good citizens of Taradale, Victoria decided to do, when the ABS apparently no longer had stats for their...

Top 50 largest cities in Australia by population in 2013

**This blog has been updated: read the latest version of Top 50 largest cities and towns in Australia by population.

Are you ready to live like a hamster?

There’s a growing trend around the world (especially since the GFC) to adopt a simpler lifestyle, with less “baggage”.

What and where is the centre of population?
By Esther - Team Forecast / 14 Feb, 2013

A client contacted us recently to request a calculation of the centre of population for their local area. Steve quickly responded to this request, and some discussion and speculation within the team followed on...

Japan – the land of the rising elderly

At .id we like to keep an eye on demographic trends worldwide as well as in Australia. This article caught our eye recently. It says that the number of deaths in Tokyo has now exceeded the number of births, as...

ERP re-re-re-revisions – explanation and implications
By Esther - Team Forecast / 05 Feb, 2013

Australia’s official population count, Estimated Resident Population (ERP), is always revised following a census. This year however additional revisions have been announced following a methodological...

Population change on the Gold Coast
By Simone - Myth Buster / 01 Feb, 2013

The Gold Coast is an interesting study in urban geography, especially in the Australian context, as its rise to prominence as a major urban area is a relatively recent phenomenon. It has moved well beyond its...

Using the Australia profile to find out who lives in Melbourne

Melbourne is often described as Australia’s sporting capital, home to iconic events such as the Boxing Day Test, the Australian Tennis Open and the F1 GP, not to mention the home of most of the AFL clubs.

That’s a Furphy!

As users of the .id tools, you would be used to providing sound, verified information for use in making evidence-based decisions. In doing so you would often come across other commonly held views or opinions...

New Zealand’s changing ethnic profile – what will the 2013 census reveal?

A crystal ball isn’t necessary to predict that the 2013 census will confirm an increasingly diverse New Zealand population. The “who”, and “where” of this prediction requires more thought though, because the...

What’s with all these different employment figures?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 17 Jan, 2013

I was recently asked by one of .id’s clients as to why there was a difference between the employment figures produced by the Census, and those produced by the Dept of Employment, Education and Workplace...

Community profile for Australia is now online – what does it show?
By Esther - Team Forecast / 15 Jan, 2013

The .id Australian Community Profile site makes it easy to analyse census data, in this blog I explore changes to the numbers and settlement patterns of Australian residents born overseas…

Health Care is now Australia’s largest industry!

The 2011 Census 2nd release revealed an intriguing result. Looking at the broad 19 standard industry divisions, the largest employer of workers in Australia is now the Health Care and Social Assistance...

I’ll have mine with a twist of lemon

Two of the main aspects of “money” are a medium of exchange and a measure of value.

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