Who works harder, Kiwis or Aussies?
If science is the organised pursuit of triviality and art the casual pursuit of significance (according to Vera Nazarian), which camp does quizzing sit in? Quizzing is a world-wide phenomenon these days. I mean who doesn’t like a quiz....
Does the weather affect migration?
The truth is: Melbourne’s weather is killing me. I cycle more than five times a week (to and from work/university/etc.) and maybe it is my bad luck or deadly attractiveness to rain clouds, it always rains when...
Do many Australians move to New Zealand?
Do many Australians move to NZ? This question was posed to the Twitter-sphere recently and thus the topic for my next blog was decided.
How to build custom demographic reports and export data
In the last week, we have added two exciting new features to profile.id, to further help with telling the demographic story of your area. A custom PDF generator enables you to build a PDF report based on topics...
Who is moving out of coastal areas?
Recently the National Seachange Taskforce released a report about the impact of temporary populations in coastal areas. Central to the report was a survey of non-resident ratepayers, and whether they intend to...
Understanding local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations
Here at .id, we have just launched our first “community of interest” profile based on the 2011 profile.id platform. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (indigenous) community profile lets councils look in...
What’s the population of “The Air”?
At .id we usually present and discuss demographic information about cities, towns, regions and even countries. But there’s a growing population of people who are not even on the ground – those people who are...
Australian population growth trends in 2012
The ABS recently released their small area population estimates for the year ended June 2012. This is the first insight into population change at smaller areas of geography since the 2011 Census. In their...
An Australian in Russia: Demographics and population | .id blog
Maybe it says something about the type of person I am, but even on holidays my professional life manages to come to the fore. It’s really more about my interest in cities and places, and what makes them tick....
Housing Jack’s beanstalk – Auckland’s Unitary plan
In my last blog I looked at historical growth in Auckland and talked only briefly about growth projections for Auckland. However, Statistics NZ’s projection that Auckland’s population will grow by a million...
What is Australia’s most typical suburb?
Recently, I did some analysis on what would constitute Australia’s most typical town. While there are many ways you could define this, and it was by no means definitive, I came up with 6 parameters and picked...
What do the 5 monkeys have in common with the US Virgin Islands but not Samoa?
You know the monkey ladder story, right?
.id launches National Economic Indicators Series
.id, in conjunction with NIEIR (National Economics), have released a key set of economic indicators for every Local Government Area (LGA) in Australia. The indicators provide a snapshot of each local economy,...
Happy ANZAC day! Australia’s population milestones
Happy ANZAC day! ANZAC stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. And today, on 25 April, we honour those who served and died in wars, conflicts, military and peacekeeping operations. The current...
Auckland’s growth – just like Jack’s beanstalk
I’ve been developing a fascination for the heady population growth figures of Auckland. The fascination is particularly strong after recently spending time in the deep south of the South Island and in the Far...
What is the most typical Australian town?
If you were picking one town to represent Australia, as a nation, which one would it be? Maybe an iconic Australian location, like Uluru, Byron Bay, Katoomba. Somewhere in the outback like Coober Pedy,...
Part 3: Can I compare SEIFA scores over time?
Since the release of the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas, we have been getting a lot of questions about whether users can compare SEIFA scores over time. It’s a very natural thing to want to do – we all want...
Assumptions vs predictions – the science of forecasting
Many of us at .id are fortunate to travel to various corners of the country to visit and meet with clients. Not only does this enable us to get to know the places for which we prepare profiles, atlases and...
Socio-economic indexes – what are they?
On March 28th, the day before Easter, the ABS released the final dataset derived from the 2011 Census, the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas. Some people may know this better as the “Index of Disadvantage”...
Socio-economic index of Advantage/Disadvantage – what are the results?
The ABS has continued its habit of releasing significant results before major public holidays, by releasing the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) on March 28th, 2013, the day before the Easter break. The...
Are empty nesters moving to inner city apartments? - update
In 2011, I wrote about inner city high density housing, and the idea that empty nesters were moving in there. The article concluded that while there were a few empty nesters downsizing into inner city tower...