Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Flinders Island – our smallest population profile is now online!

Do you think your council is too small for a community profile? When .id first put together, we thought it would be useful for large metropolitan councils to look at differences between suburbs. It still is very useful for...

Measuring employment series – the importance of FTE
By Guest / 20 Aug, 2013

Guest blog by Dr Peter Brain, Executive Director of National Economics. (National Institute of Economic and Industry Research)

Local food markets in Japan – what a great system
By Guest / 15 Aug, 2013

While we study populations, at .id we’re interested in all aspects of community life and how different communities organise certain aspects of their lives. While in Japan I’ve been watching the local food...

A city in flux…Christchurch
By Esther - Team Forecast / 13 Aug, 2013

We recently had an .id office social trip to the flicks to see Human Scale, a documentary about cities and civic design which “questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put...

Sydney's population growth: How is it different from Melbourne?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 08 Aug, 2013

Recently we published a blog about population change in Melbourne for the twelve months ended June 2012 – this time it’s Sydney’s turn. As we’ve blogged previously, Sydney and Melbourne have very different...

Fly-in/Fly-out workers

The phenomenon of the fly-in/fly-out worker has been a growing trend in Australia for the lasts 10 years or so. With the massive expansion of mining in many remote areas, Australians have shown a preference not...

What’s happening with population growth in Australia?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has just released its latest population summary for Australian States and Territories in their publication Australian Demographic Statistics (Cat No 3101.0) for the...

A look at high density housing in Sydney
By Simone - Myth Buster / 29 Jul, 2013

One of the more visual aspects of urban and regional change in recent years has been the growth in construction of high rise apartments in the inner suburbs of Australian cities, particularly the CBD and...

Check the data notes!

I know it’s boring, but some of the most useful information in the .id demographic tools is hidden away in a link at the bottom of each table. In, as well as having the exact wording of the Census...

20% discount is normally a good thing – but not with employment data

I recently met with a group of local government clients in NSW and we were discussing how to measure the success of their economic development activity by tracking change in the number of local jobs each year.

From Copenhagen to the Chathams?

The .id gang went to the movies recently to check out Andreas Dalsgaard’s documentary The Human Scale, which looked at the work of Jan Gehl and his team of architects across ten cities including Copenhagen, New...

Melbourne’s population growth – trends after the Census
By Simone - Myth Buster / 16 Jul, 2013

Earlier this year the ABS released their 2012 population estimates for local government areas across Australia (Regional Population Growth, ABS Cat. no. 3218.0). This gives us the first glimpse into post 2011...

My shout … or yours… a closer look at dependency ratios
By Esther - Team Forecast / 11 Jul, 2013

Who will be paying for your latte (or more likely, meals on wheels!) in your twilight years?

Are more people moving to Australia?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has just released its latest population summary for Australian States and Territories in their publication Australian Demographic Statistics (Cat No 3101.0) for the...

Does Australia need a smaller car?
By Guest / 04 Jul, 2013

One of our staff members, Andrew, is currently on Vacation in Japan, and has sent this thought provoking blog…

The importance of the "bigger picture" when forecasting
By Nenad Petrović / 28 Jun, 2013

On a recent trip to South Australia with my colleague and frequent blog contributor, Simone, I was fortunate enough to engage in two client meetings. The first was to “kick off” a forecast review for Adelaide...

The nation keeps growing, and WA and Victoria lead the way

The Australian dollar may be sinking like a stone, but the population continues to increase, with increased population growth, according to the latest demographic statistics from the ABS. We take a closer look...

Perth vs Brisbane – The game of “population growth”

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has just released its latest population summary for Australian States and Territories in their publication Australian Demographic Statistics (Cat No 3101.0) for the... lite is now online for all existing clients

A comprehensive and wide-ranging update is underway for – and the first stages are now being made available to all clients to trial for the next twelve months.

Keeping the "local" in Local Government - a population perspective on council amalgamations

‘Reform’ is one of the favourite words of the Australian Government lexicon. Reform seems to come in many guises and in the case of Local Government, reform means make ‘em bigger and better. Of course, one of...

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