Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Broken Hill promotes the use of demographics to their community

The Broken Hill City Council recently adopted the use of and to explore and understand the changing characteristics of their community and their economy.

2012 APA Conference – some insights
By Simone - Myth Buster / 11 Dec, 2012

The 2012 Australian Population Association Conference (APA) was held in Melbourne last week. This is the biennial conference held by Australia’s professional organisation for demographers, and the program...

Where has all our employment gone?

After first release of Census, I wrote a blog about the higher quality of the Census data in 2011, compared to 2006. In general this is true, but unfortunately the second release has revealed an area where the...

A blog (mostly) about death
By Simone - Myth Buster / 04 Dec, 2012

Following on from the annual release of births data, yes you guessed it – the ABS recently released Deaths, Australia (Cat. no. 3302.0). This release contains statistics on the number and characteristics of...

Value-adding to Census data

.id regards the ABS website as a fantastic resource for raw data pertaining to Australian society. The ABS run one of the most comprehensive and high quality Censuses in the world, so Local Government in...

A solution to traffic congestion?

Since the release of the 2011 Census results we’ve been commenting (and blogging) about the massive population growth in Australia since 2006, particularly in Capital cities and surrounding suburbs. has now been updated with second release Census 2011 data

The 230+ sites around Australia have now been updated with the latest second release data from the 2011 Census. The data was released at the end of October by the ABS, so we’ve been working flat out...

Household composition and population forecasting
By Simone - Myth Buster / 20 Nov, 2012

How we occupy households is a little considered aspect of how populations at small areas grow and change. We’ve already looked at vacant dwellings, but what about those dwellings that are occupied? The...

What’s your ancestry? New topic on

Starting with the 2001 Census, the ABS added a new topic to the already extensive list of Census questions relating to cultural diversity. The question was about Ancestry. At .id we have just added this topic...

“Top Town” – Delving deeper into New Zealand’s subnational population estimates
By Nenad Petrović / 13 Nov, 2012

From the mid 1970s to 1990, kiwis would tune in every week to watch a popular TV show called “Top Town” in which contestants from all over the country, whether from the tiniest of towns or biggest cities,...

2016 Census consultation now open!

Under the cover of Melbourne Cup Day, Tuesday 6th November, the Australian Bureau of Statistics quietly released its proposals for the 2016 Census count. With the release of 2011 Census still fresh in...

Second release Census data is out!

Census data in Australia usually comes in two parts – first release, the “easy” questions to process comes out about 10 months after Census date (in this case in June 2012), while second release is a few months...

Yet another year of record birth numbers in Australia
By Simone - Myth Buster / 05 Nov, 2012

Each year, around this time, the ABS releases data on births in Australia. As we blogged last year, not only is this interesting information, but it provides our forecast team with very up to date data to...

Census 2011 – s-s-s-single bedrooms? No – Australians want more and more!
By Simone - Myth Buster / 01 Nov, 2012

I’m probably showing my age by paraphrasing Noosha Fox’s hit song from the 1970s, but it’s what came to mind when I thought about how the number of bedrooms in Australian homes and how they’ve changed over the...

Ongoing impact of Canterbury earthquakes reflected in the latest subnational population estimates
By Nenad Petrović / 26 Oct, 2012

This week Statistics New Zealand released subnational population estimates for the year to 30th June 2012. These releases provide estimates of the population at the regional and territorial authority (TA)...

New Zealand census: Immigration patterns

A while ago I wrote about internal migration patterns, noting that New Zealand has surprisingly high levels in internal mobility. Yet while New Zealand communities are constantly changing as a result of people...

Here’s my number….call me maybe

How would you feel if you lost your car keys? Or your laptop? Pretty bad, right? But I bet you’d feel more uncomfortable if you lost your mobile phone. You’d feel suddenly disconnected from the world, unsure if...

Roll camera – more online training videos

During October we have continued to build our online training library, with three new videos now available to view.

Darwin's population in 2011 - at the top end of growth?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 16 Oct, 2012

Population wise, the Northern Territory is Australia’s smallest State or Territory, but it is also one that has distinctive characteristics due to its demographic composition and settlement pattern. Compared to...

Census 2011 – what’s happening with vacant dwellings in coastal areas?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 11 Oct, 2012

Vacant dwellings are an important component of the dwelling stock and they exist for a number of reasons. This includes turnover of tenancy, renovation, or perhaps the most well known – the holiday or second...

The man drought - is it real?

Demographic commentator Bernard Salt is credited with coining the phrase “Man drought”, to refer to the phenomenon of there being more females than males in particular age groups. The main age he refers to as a...

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