Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Tourism – Visitor Survey data now live in!

Have you ever wanted to know how many visitors come to your Local Government Area (LGA) from interstate? Overseas, or as local day trippers? We are pleased to announce that we have come to an arrangement with Tourism Research Australia...

.id helps secure funding for cinema complex in Kempsey
By Rob Hall / 01 Dec, 2015

Kempsey Shire Council received a $2m grant from the National Stronger Regions Fund for development of a cinema complex in the Kempsey CBD.

Is loneliness a stage of life, a generational thing or a problem of our era?

I was enjoying a glass of wine with no. 2 son this week when, as a fledgling winemaker/philosopher, he mentioned the struggles of his generation – the “lonely” generation. The fact that the no.2 son had...

Manufacturing in decline? Not in this town…
By Rob Hall / 28 Nov, 2015

I recently wrote about Australia’s economic transformation to services and knowledge intensive activities (see here). Alongside this trend has been a steady decline in overall manufacturing jobs. But the...

Dispelling myths about Arabic speakers – The Optus billboard

On Tuesday this week it was reported that Optus had taken down an advertising billboard in the Sydney suburb of Casula, after receiving a lot of negative feedback on Facebook. The sign was written in Arabic,...

On population projections, forecasts and weather

Population forecasts are often referred to as ‘projections’. This is understandable, as they are ‘projecting’ something into the future. But the term projection implies that it is a continuation of current...

Lagging doubts about Australia’s declining birth rate
By Simone - Myth Buster / 13 Nov, 2015

Earlier this month the ABS released their annual births publication (ABS 3301.0), which provides a wealth of data – funnily enough – about births in Australia. Georgia has already written a blog which...

The 10 things you need to know about population forecasts

Knowing how the population will change is extremely valuable for any organisation that is planning for the future. To inform your plans and make confident decisions you will need to rely on a population...

Lowest births in Australia for the past 10 years
By Georgia Allan / 05 Nov, 2015

According to ABS births data, there were 299,697 babies born in Australia in 2014. This was a small decrease from the 308,065 recorded in 2013. So what does the ABS data tell us about the babies of 2014 and...

Economic appraisal of Bathurst Bike Park
By Rob Hall / 01 Nov, 2015

.id undertook an economic appraisal of a $1.6 million upgrade to the Bathurst Bike Park.

Housing costs – stable over the past decade

Is housing in Australia unaffordable? Results from a recent survey conducted by the ABS show that at a national level, we still have about 2/3rds home owners, and most are not in housing stress.

The youngest ethnic group in NSW
By Georgia Allan / 23 Oct, 2015

While calculating the median ages of each birthplace group in New South Wales in order to discover the oldest and youngest ethnic groups, I stumbled upon an interesting figure. The youngest by far is the...

The Southern Hemisphere dominates the Rugby World Cup!

Southern Hemisphere rugby reigns supreme as the semi-finals of the Rugby World Cup (RWC) loom with all four teams from south of the equator. Why is this relevant in a population blog you might ask? Well apart...

Case Study – Planning for schools: Willoughby Public School
By Sally Blandy / 20 Oct, 2015

The community around Willoughby Public School (WPS) were concerned that the Department of Education was underestimating the population pressures the school faced. They sought out .id for an independent...

Which population forecast should I use?

On two occasions I have been asked, “Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?” … I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that...

Positioning our suburbs and regional cities for economic growth – why place matters
By Rob Hall / 13 Oct, 2015

“It would appear that a spot has at last been found upon the south coast of New Holland… All who have ever landed there agree to the richness of its soil and the abundance of its pastures.” ~~ Charles Sturt,...

Case study – Planning schools in growth areas: Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council
By Katie Bayley / 06 Oct, 2015

Western Sydney is growing rapidly and the urban landscape is evolving quickly. In this context, the Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council (CASC) found producing reasonable forecasts of student demand to be a...

Economic appraisal of Bathurst Regional Airport
By Rob Hall / 01 Oct, 2015

.id’s economic appraisal of upgrades to the Bathurst Regional Airport helped Bathurst Regional Council to secure $2.5m in funding from the National Stronger Region Fund.

Strategies for encouraging employment clusters outside the CBD
By Rob Hall / 29 Sep, 2015

Employment clusters are becoming more and more important as Australia shifts towards an economy based on skills, ideas and connections. But where are they? How are they changing? And how can we help them get...

Who is Malcolm Turnbull? The demographics of Australian Prime Ministers
By Katie Bayley / 24 Sep, 2015

They say a week is a long time in politics. Indeed, just over a week ago Malcolm Turnbull became the 29th Prime Minister of Australia. Over the weekend he announced his new cabinet. As passionate advocates for...

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