The double whammy changing the age profile in rural New Zealand
While births and deaths have an influence on local population characteristics, migration is by far the most powerful force in population change. A while ago I wrote a blog investigating internal migration, noting that New Zealand is...
Migration between capital cities and regional Australia
The ABS has a new dataset which is great for analyzing where people are moving across Australia. It’s called “RIME”, or the Regional Internal Migration Estimates. This is still experimental, but it’s being...
Understanding young adult populations in regional areas – Bathurst
As well as being famous for the 1000 motor race, Bathurst also has a large Campus of Charles Sturt University, so it is something of a student town, with a relatively large young adult population.
The Syrian community in Australia
At .id, we welcome the news that Australia will be taking 12,000 Syrian refugees this year, in addition to our regular intake of refugees of around 13-14,000. This is an excellent response to the crisis,...
How many refugees does Australia take?
With the current crisis around Syrian refugees, Australia is under pressure to “do more” with this global issue. We thought we’d provide some context by analysing what Australia does already, and where our...
What affects the heart health of an area? A case of good heart health – City of Yarra
What are the factors that contribute to the overall heart health – good or bad – of an area? In a recent blog by Glenn – Predicting your area’s future heart health, he outlined the work we did with Heart...
Economic appraisal of Beverley Multipurpose Community Centre
The Beverley Community Resource Centre will provide a revitalised, stable and integral hub for the Beverley Community.
Forecasting slow growing areas – the example of Burnside
Here at .id we provide population and dwelling forecasts to about 120 local governments across Australia. It’s a common misconception that all of these are rapidly growing areas – and many are – but a key use...
How can local government respond to an ageing population?
New Zealand has arguably been in a trend of ageing for close to a century. All you have to do is look at the steady decline of birth rates and the increase in life expectancy.
How housing affordability can play a role in economic development
Housing affordability is typically considered a social issue and is given limited attention in many economic development strategies. Research by .id shows that if housing is no longer affordable for lower...
2016 Census goes digital – .id’s views on the changes to Census
On August 20, 2015, the ABS released their “Census Nature and Content” document for the 2016 Census. This normally comes out about 2 years before the Census, so it’s a bit late this time, due to the confusion...
Predicting your area's future heart health
Heart disease, heart attack and cardiac arrest are Australia’s number 1 cause of death. As they are more prevalent among the older age groups, Australia’s ageing population has a big impact on this group of...
Mornington Peninsula's population growth in the next 20 years
We were thrilled to host our first Year 10 work experience student. Not many teenagers express an interest in cities, towns and how they’re changing, so we were happy to share our knowledge and experience with...
The social and economic impacts of higher education in Wellington
In the 2013 census 37.5% of the Wellington population over the age of 15 had a tertiary degree. Compare that result against Queenstown in distant second place with 22%. Auckland lies third with 21.9%.*
The top 20 fastest growing suburbs in NSW
In this blog we delve into .id’s Small Area Forecasts (SAFi), and share the top twenty population growth areas in New South Wales. We also offer some insights into the factors driving growth, and share our...
Culturally diverse communities – Chinese population in the City of Whitehorse
Box Hill is a rapidly growing satellite CBD in Greater Melbourne, and home to one of the city’s largest Chinese-born populations. The local council is interested in understanding more about this growing...
Inclusive and accessible urban spaces
4.2 million Australians, or 18.5% of the population, are estimated to have a disability, according to the 2012 Survey of Disabilities, Ageing and Carers (SDAC). Are our cities planned for them?
It’s all Greek to me, but where’s the influx?
The Greece debt crisis has recently sparked some concerns over out-migration of young skilled adults in particular, but will we see an influx of Greek migrants in Australia?
Profiling culturally diverse communities in NSW
How can you profile and visualize cultural diversity within a state? The Multicultural New South Wales profile is now available to everyone. It provides a range of information on the culturally diverse...
Depicting demographic and migration trends in art
Apart from using numbers and charts, how can we visually present and tell a compelling story about demographic and migration trends? Over the past month, the team at .id have very kindly let me out of the...
Insights for local governments from the Federal Budget
The 2015-16 Federal Budget has now been handed down. Budget Paper 1 provides a treasure trove of economic analysis and forecasts of the Australian economy. Let’s synthesize the main points of interest for local...