Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

The latest population figures: Australia down, Victoria up

Victoria emerged as the fastest growing state (since 1888!) by population in the latest quarterly issue of Australian Demographic Statistics (3101.0). What are some other interesting population trends for Australia?

Housing bubbles, rents and affordability in Sydney and Melbourne: A demographer's take

One of the most popular topics in the media at the moment is housing affordability. Specifically, are Sydney and Melbourne housing prices in a bubble? Take for example this recent article in the Fairfax media.

Does dwelling growth lead to population growth?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 23 Jun, 2015

One of the more common misconceptions about population change is the relationship with dwellings and household structure. Many people assume that new dwellings means an increase in population. But as with most...

University towns in New Zealand - their impacts on the community and economy

How do universities affect our population, housing and industries? University is a very special time of life for most… and some of us keep going back! Universities are also special for the city they are part of...

Population densities of Australian Capital Cities – Melbourne and Sydney
By Nenad Petrović / 16 Jun, 2015

In part 1 and part 2 , I looked at the greater capital cities in order from smallest to largest with the two remaining ones being the heavyweights – Melbourne and Sydney.

Population densities of Australian capital cities – Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane
By Nenad Petrović / 09 Jun, 2015

In the previous blog, I described in more detail as to why population density analysis is important. This entry continues on from that and describes the population densities in Greater Adelaide, Greater Perth...

Population densities of Australian capital cities
By Nenad Petrović / 04 Jun, 2015

How dense are we? Population densities have traditionally provided information on the distribution of populations across space. By assessing how dense an area is in terms of population, we can determine...

Learn to use your demographic resources
By Rebecca / 27 May, 2015

How can I find the specific demographic information I need? Having the data is one thing but learning to use it is another story altogether.

Population change in 2014 – how Sydney got its groove back
By Simone - Myth Buster / 25 May, 2015

In recent years, many parts of Australia have recorded very high rates of population growth, but strangely its largest city – Sydney – has by and large not been part of this record growth trend. For most of the...

Updates on the 2016 Census

What are some of changes you can expect to see in the 2016 Census with the additional funding boost?

Planning for the happiness and well-being of your community

The definition of happiness and well-being differs greatly from one person to another. This doesn’t just apply to individuals but also to local governments and their communities. How can you effectively measure...

Profiling indigenous communities

The 2013 census population for Māori in New Zealand was 668,715. How can we better understand this indigenous community? What are the demographic characteristics of this population and how has it changed over...

Poorest postcodes in Australia
By Georgia Allan / 08 May, 2015

In Australia, the richest and poorest areas have recorded an income gap of approximately 150k. Both these areas are located within New South Wales. What causes this disparity within one single state? What...

Census 2016 is going ahead

It will be a relief to many of our readers to learn that the 2016 Census will be going ahead, with the ABS receiving a much needed funding boost in the upcoming budget. You can read details in this article in...

The economic value of places within your LGA

What economic contribution does a place make? How many industries are in this area and how productive are they? Is our local shopping area the main contributor to the economic output of our place? These and...

Melbourne changes direction – a new era of urban development

Melbourne is growing up. For the first time in the city’s history, urban infill development is outpacing greenfield development on the city’s fringes.

No longer the Sunshine State? Recent population trends in Queensland | .id blog
By Simone - Myth Buster / 23 Apr, 2015

One of the more interesting demographic trends playing out in Australia in recent years is the slowing rate and volume of growth in Queensland. Throughout the 2000s, Queensland’s population growth rate often...

Creating public value for your community

How can you create public value for your community? To build public value, you’ll need to know the characteristics of your community members and the drivers for the local economy – and how they are changing...

Did air-conditioning get Ronald Reagan elected?
By Georgia Allan / 17 Apr, 2015

Here at .id we spend a lot of time talking and thinking about how places shape population and populations shape place. But there are often many other factors. Last week on ABC they aired an American program...

The story of diverse communities – Migrants in Port Phillip

The City of Port Phillip, Victoria, is the latest LGA to subscribe to .id’s Communities of Interest module for Located in the inner suburbs just south of Melbourne, Port Phillip includes St Kilda,...

Analysing Christchurch?s Population Change 2006-2013
By Nenad Petrović / 13 Apr, 2015

On my recent Christmas break back in New Zealand, I was lucky to fly out of Christchurch on a beautiful sunny day and even luckier to have a window seat. The geographer/demographer in me was curious to see what...

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