Biggest, fastest, slowest - latest population growth and change in Australia
Each year the ABS releases population data for LGAs and other small area geographies in Australia, and the latest publication was recently released. As always there’s some very interesting data in this release, and the .id team (mainly...
Is the Census private and why does it matter?
On 18th December 2015, the ABS put out this media release on privacy of Census data. I didn’t notice, and I follow the ABS quite closely. Most people didn’t notice, possibly due to the proximity to Christmas....
What does a location strategy consultant do?
We often get asked what people who work at .id actually do, and what sort of skills and background they have.
Choosing the right population forecast for local area planning: case study
We sometimes get asked by our local government clients, “Why would I use .id’s forecasts? The state government has their own population projections and they require us to use those.” We are well placed to...
Renting levels are on the increase in New Zealand
Home affordability is a big deal in many parts of New Zealand. On a weekly basis, there a predictable bruhaha in the media about Auckland alone. The following infographic depicts levels of affordability for...
How demography helped Richmond Football Club double its membership numbers
For anyone interested in how demography can help in membership/consumer growth, targeted fan engagement and overall consumer strategy, you may find this video interesting. It’s a presentation we gave at the...
Global honours: Top 7 Intelligent Community spot for Whanganui
Is it a digital take on no. 8 wire and baling twine?
Inside .id: What does an urban economist do?
We publish many blogs about the demographic and economic insights we unearth in our research. However, we often get asked about our people. What do people who work at .id do, and what sort of skills and...
Australia’s population hits 24 million
Australia’s population is estimated to reach 24 million at 12:50am (AEDT) tomorrow (16 February 2016)! The ABS population clock is based on assumptions from historical demographic indicators. The current...
The story of Gold Coast suburbs – live on radio
Recently, .id was approached by ABC radio on the Gold Coast to do a series of radio interviews on the demographics of the Gold Coast. The interesting thing about this one is that it’s not just about the Gold...
5 things you need to know about how population growth in Australia is changing
In the last two years, Australia’s population growth rate has slowed.
Case study: What is your economic story?
At .id, we emphasise the importance of storytelling and narratives: What are the demographic and economic stories for your local community? We are often approached by our clients for a specific figure or data....
Are Australia’s migrants home owners?
About 60% of Australia’s population growth in any given year is due to overseas migration. Australia has always been a country of migrants, and in 2011, almost 25% of Australia’s population was born overseas,...
Who are the winners and losers in the interstate migration game?
Just before Christmas the ABS released its quarterly demographic publication, Australian Demographic Statistics ( 3101.0). The release of this data brings Australia’s demographic story right up to June...
Planning education provision in a rapidly changing Australia
Update: Since we first published this blog, we’ve released a new free resource for school planners – our School enrolment planning guide. If you’re a school planner, enrolment coordinator, board member or...
Australia’s oldest state – Tasmania
In terms of the age structure, Tasmania is often referred to as Australia’s oldest state.
Where is Australia’s renovation capital?
In 2014-15 financial year, Australians did $7.2 billion worth of renovation requiring approval, a figure which more than doubled since the year 2000. The popularity of TV shows like “The Block” and “House...
Generational change – the kids take over the office – Merry Christmas!
How awesome is it working at .id! Seeing all us parents bring in our kids on Christmas eve and watching them play. Junior demographers in the making.
Australia’s growth moderates, Victoria fastest growing state
The ABS released their quarterly Australian Demographic Statistics publication on 17 December. This is the most important release of the year because it contains the end of June estimates which is what all...
Tourism in New Zealand ? Are these your holiday destinations this summer?
Imagine having more than 40,000 tourists, or 10 times the size of your population, visiting your local area this summer. What will that be like?
Can the history of Rockingham help us understand the future?
It might seem obvious but one of the more intriguing aspects of population forecasting is the numbers. The size of the populations that are forecast at future points in time can either be scary, or represent a...