Is your Census information safe? Privacy in the spotlight
With the 2016 Census almost upon us, the issue of data privacy and security has been in the media spotlight again. The Age recently published this critique of the ABS policy by Peter Martin. When this issue was first brought up early in...
Is Australia losing its religion?
It is said that you should never discuss religion, sex or politics. Although religion is the question on the Census that tends to cause the most discussion. It seems everyone has an opinion on it. The Census...
Important Census dates for your diary
Hopefully by now you’re all aware that the 2016 Census is happening next month. This is a quick blog to let you know some key dates around the Census – especially as the way the ABS are running things this time...
New forecasts reveal the future of Hutt City
After recently completing our first ever population and households forecasts for Hutt City 2013-2043, we are releasing a blog series to cover several new forecasts in New Zealand.
Why do we need a Census in 2016 anyway?
As Australia recovers from the Federal election, we are about to embark on our next major national event – the 2016 Census. Australians will be asked to complete their Census forms on Tuesday night 9th of...
Who decides what’s in the 2016 Census?
The Australian 2016 Census is fast approaching and we’ll be bringing you interesting and informative insights over the next month. As you are filling in your Census form on the 9th of August, you may wonder:...
Standin’ on a corner – are bypassed towns doomed to die?
What happens to towns when they’re bypassed by major highways? Are they doomed, or does it present other opportunities?
Forecasting in New Zealand – Building regional knowledge in the Wellington Region
How do regional population growth, migration and movement affect local populations? Two new Territorial Authorities in the Wellington Region have recently obtained population and household forecasts...
Spotlight on Footscray's changing housing market
In a rapidly growing and gentrifying area, what are the implications for community facilities?
Western Sydney – The relationship between population and employment projections
The Western Sydney University engaged .id to develop small area population, labour force and employment projections for the Greater Western Sydney region. These projections were required to understand the...
Are investors responsible for all the vacant dwellings?
Recently the City Futures Research Centre at the UNSW published a blog article that suggested that there was a link between vacant dwellings and rental yields. It concluded that dwelling vacancy rates were...
What is your place of work doing to encourage Te Reo Māori?
I used to work with a team of customer service staff who dreaded Māori Language week each year because customers would often react angrily to a Māori salutation. Thankfully that was many years ago and Te Reo...
The places with the least population change
The ABS releases a publication called “Regional Population Growth” every March, and the media (and .id) focusses mainly on which areas are growing the most, and which areas are declining. A majority of areas...
Using data to inform community engagement - Who do we REALLY need to plan for?
By Keith Davis, Manager Urban Design, City of Unley, South Australia.
Latest population figures: Top 50 largest cities and towns in Australia in 2016
This is the latest release of the Top 50 cities and towns in Australia, which we do every year, following the ABS release of their Regional Population Growth publication. As we’ve previously seen, Australia,...
Will Melbourne’s population overtake Sydney? Maybe in…
The rivalry between Australia’s two largest cities has been going on for a long time. At .id we don’t seek to say which one is “better”, but just which one is bigger!
The changing fortunes of population growth – Sydney and Perth
One of the more interesting demographic trends in the last couple of years has been the turnaround in the fortunes of Sydney and Perth. Just a few short years ago Perth was the fastest growing capital city in...
The implications of lower levels of home ownership on social capital
My previous blog took a look at rising rental activity across New Zealand. Higher levels of renting seemed to roughly correspond with less affordable home ownership levels. But why does it really matter if...
Latest figures show population further concentrated in Australia’s capital cities
The ABS Regional Population Growth (3218.0) publication shows the distribution of population growth across Australia, place by place. One interesting trend which it shows as accelerating is the skewing of...
Mortality in demography – when, how and where do people die?
Of the three components of demographic change, the least discussed is mortality. After all, who wants to sound morbid talking about death? But as demographers, we need to understand when, how and where people...
Using location analysis to effectively deliver community service programs and measure performance
The Saver Plus program has assisted over 30,000 Australians build their financial capability and learn to save.