Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Kiwi migration to Australia slows. Why?

By Nenad Petrović / 21 Feb, 2014

Last week, Statistics New Zealand released their “International Travel and Migration” statistics for the December 2013 year. Standout figure – a net GAIN (yes gain) of 22,468 migrants to New Zealand compared to a loss of 1,165 in 2012.

What would be the real impacts if SPC closed?

A major political furore is happening at the moment over the Federal Government’s refusal to bail out SPC-Ardmona to the tune of $25 million to keep it operating. The government is saying no more bailouts, but...

City of Perth joins the community

.id is pleased to announce that the City of Perth has just joined the community.

Three growth markets in Australia you need to know about

For more than a generation the term ‘baby boomer’ has defined demographic analysis in Australia. However, while it is the most visible, it is not the only story playing out in the Australian population data,...

The driverless car - the end of public transport?

I was reading today about the latest Ford Kuga – full of all the latest technical wizardry such as adaptive cruise control, active city stop, lane guidance, blind spot indicators, reverse park assist, as well...

The end of urban infill?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 04 Feb, 2014

While much attention is focussed on the very rapid rates of growth on our urban fringes, the amount of infill development in established areas is often overlooked. In some parts of our cities, infill...

Got anything to report?

.id’s demographic and economic tools are easy to use, and web-based so they are available for anyone to explore, online.

NZ Census 2013: Out with the old …. and in with the new

Check out the new look sites our New Zealand clients have welcomed on-board this week ….. and (drumroll) the first instalment of the 2013 Census data has rolled through them overnight.

Frankston – unfairly tarnished with one brush?

The Age recently featured a really interesting article on Frankston. Those from Melbourne will know that Frankston has a reputation, like many outer suburban areas, of being uncultured, low socio-economic area,...

Who cares about Australian urban research?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 20 Jan, 2014

That was a key question posed at a plenary session at the recent State of Australian Cities (SOAC) conference in Sydney. My first thought was “I am!” and secondly “my colleagues are!” In fact, .id’s interest in...

What impact do asylum seekers have on Australia’s migration?

There is probably no more contentious issue in Australia at the moment than asylum seekers. We have avoided tackling it on .id’s blog before, simply because it is so controversial, and fraught with political...

Population increase is increasing again

The ABS has just released the financial year 2012-13 population growth figures and they show that the nation continues to grow at an increasing rate. The last 7 years have all shown growth at above the...

New Zealander ethnicity – state of mind, marketing mojo, or question classification?

When Billy Joel sung about being “in a New York state of mind” he talked of his identity and about going back to his roots. New Yorkers, there are over eight million of them, have a very strong identity. On the...

Modelling the impact of changes to your economy

What effect would it have on your economy and your workforce if your area was able to attract a major new employer? What would be the ongoing job losses if a company were to close down in your area, not just in...

Death and life expectancy
By Simone - Myth Buster / 09 Dec, 2013

Around this time each year, the ABS releases its detailed data on births and deaths in Australia. As we’ve blogged previously, this data is critical for forecasting as it provides the evidence base for small...

Australia’s youngest places

In the previous blog I looked at where the oldest median ages were in Australia. This article looks at the most youthful areas.

How long do I have to live?

Do you want to know how long you’ve got left? Ask a statistician!

Four bunches of green grapes, please

Here at .id we deal with a huge quantity of numbers, so its hard for us to imagine a society where numbers don’t exist. But there is one …

NZ: Sand, new dwellings, apartments and retirement!

In the construction industry, the Canterbury rebuild and Auckland’s housing shortage have been dominating media stories for some time. Much is made of Stats NZ’s monthly building consent figures. Building...

Do your industries mainly export or sell to locals?

All areas need some capacity for industry to grow and change, but the focus of areas can be quite different. Many places have a particular industry that they are known for, or specialise in, and which may be...

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