Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

The story of culturally diverse communities - Indians in Parramatta

.id’s new Communities of Interest module has the capability to look in depth at particular population groups in your area based on a characteristic.

Tales of the underworld – homes below the ground

The vast majority of the urban development we see and discuss at .id (along with our local government clients) occurs above ground.

Massive population growth forecast in Wyndham – but is that the entire story?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 13 May, 2014

assumptions-vs-predictions-the-science-of-forecastingWyndham City Council is a rapidly growing suburban area located in Melbourne’s outer south west. Growth has been so rapid, that in recent years it has often...

Is New Zealand becoming a nation of renters?

The 2013 Census shows that the Kiwi Dream of owning your own home on its own block is changing.

Advanced users – Shift Share Analysis for calculating regional competitive advantage

There is a lot of great information in the sites that enable users to quickly tell a sophisticated stories about a local economy simply by interpreting the existing table, charts and analysis...

Who are your Communities of Interest?

For a long time, at .id training sessions, I’ve been asked whether we provide cross-tabulated information.

New Zealand – losing their religion?

The 2013 Census sheds some light on the topic of religion in New Zealand. Usually one of the more controversial Census topics, religion always generates some interest. For the first time, Christians are a...

Population Density – just how much room do you need?

Look at any list of population density by country, and you’ll be sure to find Australia pretty close to the bottom. Often called the “island continent”, Australia, as a country, has a population density of just...

Strong population growth in NSW and WA
By Simone - Myth Buster / 11 Apr, 2014

In early April the ABS released their annual population data for small geographic areas. The Estimated Resident Population (ERP) is the official measure of population and the intercensal updates give us an...

Australia’s population continues to grow strongly

The ABS has just released their quarterly update on population growth, Australian Demographic Statistics (3101.0). What does it show?

Designing homes for an ageing population

In recent blogs I have looked at the rising numbers and proportion of older people in the New Zealand population. Most Councils I work with are well aware that the type of houses built in the next decade will...

Vacant dwellings in rural areas
By Simone - Myth Buster / 01 Apr, 2014

It might surprise some people that about one in ten dwellings in Australia are vacant on Census night. What’s more, as we’ve blogged previously, there are distinct spatial patterns to vacant dwellings, with the...

What is a "Location Quotient" and how do I calculate it?

Location Quotient (LQ) is a term that we hear a lot when working in the area of economic development so we thought it would be useful to explain exactly what it is and how it can be calculated using our online...

Welcome Yass Valley to the .id community

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting Yass Valley, .id’s newest client. Yass Valley have subscribed to all four of .id’s online information tools, to elevate the role of decision making in their council,...

Who works the most, men or women?

Thinking back to filling in the Census form in 2011, there were two questions on that form which generated the most interest in the general public, and the most discussion in the media. One was Religion, and...

Share of urban development in greenfield versus established areas

We recently had an enquiry from a client in Cardinia regarding the share of development in Melbourne in greenfield versus established areas. Scott and I have spent some time and we have crunched the numbers for...

Home alone

Over a coffee, a mate was recently mulling over her lot as a widowed woman close to retirement age. Apart from the amusing tales she had to tell of rejoining the dating game after a 40 year sabbatical, this...

The evidence is clear: equality for women means progress for all
By Esther - Team Forecast / 07 Mar, 2014

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made this statement in the lead up to this year’s International Women’s Day, “Countries with more gender equality have better economic growth. Companies with more women leaders...

Looking at the urban landscape through music video
By Simone - Myth Buster / 04 Mar, 2014

Some of you may have watched the recent mini-series about INXS, the Australian band who were one of the most successful of the late 80s and early 90s. I was reminded of the music video for their 1984 song Burn...

How to find average household size in and

While the size of houses being built in Australia has, on average, been getting bigger, the average number of people living in them has traditionally been declining, and in more recent years has stabilised at...

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