How to tell the story of culturally diverse communities – Burmese in Maroondah
.id’s new Communities of Interest modules can give a fascinating insight into the characteristics of particular groups in the population. They are particularly interesting when used to study recent emerging communities from different...
Putting forward a reasoned view on Australian immigration
A recent BRW Article noted that some key business leaders people were taking up arms against ‘Big Australia’.
Perth – population profile of a boom city
This blog has been superseded and we have now updated our population forecasts for Western Australia. Read more here. The resurgence of Perth has attracted significant attention of late. Earlier this year Baz...
Why are the population figures different in profile and
One of the more challenging aspects of working in the demographic field is the multitude of different population figures we have to deal with. If it’s not a final figure, it’s probably preliminary, revised,...
Statistics New Zealand releases the first population estimates from adjusted 2013 census data
If you are armpit deep in LTP planning, Statistics New Zealand’s release of revised subnational population estimates as at June 2013 will have been very, very welcome. The national population estimates using...
How urbanised is Australia’s population?
In my last blog, I looked at one measure of the urban nature of the population – how centralised each state’s population is around the capital city and surrounds.
Population growth in Western Australia
This blog has been superseded and we have now updated our population forecasts for Western Australia. Read more here. We’ve all heard about the mining boom in Western Australia, but what has been the impact on...
It takes two to tango – male fertility rate
Studies of fertility have dominated demography since the 1970s, as the addition of children is one of the major sources of population growth. The vast majority of studies on fertility are conducted from the...
Supporting the Cancer Council's Relay for Life
Relay for Life is one of the Cancer Council’s flagship fundraising campaigns. With over 200 individual events around the country, the Relay for Life team wanted to develop a rigorous strategy for increasing... – enhanced work destination data now included
.id is pleased to announce an update to the datasets in The spatial economy dataset now includes an enhanced imputed dataset using a methodology used by the Bureau of Transport Statistics, New South...
Forecasting demand for high schools in NSW
Next year, a new high school will welcome students to the old Bradfield TAFE site in Crows Nest, Sydney. It will be the first high school to open on Sydney’s north shore since 1961.
Western Australian small area forecasts covering the whole state are now available
How are the SAFi forecasts used? This blog has been superseded and we have now updated our population forecasts for Western Australia. Read more here. We are proud to announce the completion of our latest set...
How centralised is Australia’s population?
Australia is one of the most urbanised nations in the world, with an oft-quoted figure of 85% of the population living within 50km of the coast of our very large continent, with vast empty areas in the middle....
National demographic indicators for New Zealand – where does your area rank?
.id is proud to announce the launch of our New Zealand National Demographic Indicators Series (NDIS). The table ranks all Territorial Authorities (TAs) on a range of demographic measures.
Forecasting demand for primary schools in NSW
Bourke Street Primary, a quaint school in Sydney’s inner-city, had 74 students in 2010. Back then official forecasts showed that by 2014 the school would have grown to 112 students, and was making plans...
Locating retirement living villages to meet demand
A prominent retirement living provider was looking to make a substantial investment in capacity across Victoria and NSW. They needed to be able to anticipate demand and invest with confidence.
.id tools a “game changer” for Fraser Coast businesses
“Ensuring prospective and existing businesses have access to the latest information and statistics allows them to make more informed decisions and ultimately creates better business.” David Spear, General...
Senior’s playground – preparing for an ageing population
When most Australians think of recreation and sport, we think of Aussie Rules Football, Cricket, Rugby, Soccer, Tennis, Swimming, and much more. Australia is widely regarded as a “Sporting Nation”
Does ‘Big Australia’ mean ‘Big Immigration’?
In our last post, we noted that while Australian population growth is projected to slow towards the end of this century, Australia will still ‘outgrow’ much of the world, including many of our major trading...
Australia – outgrowing the world?
Despite two world wars, the 20th Century produced an unprecedented explosion in the human population. But that was then and this is now, and the human species isn’t growing like it used to. In fact, the latest...
A smokefree generation in New Zealand?
In a recent blog, an .id colleague looked at smoker behaviour across Australia. The New Zealand 2013 Census results make for interesting comparison and the subject interested me after recently meeting a PhD...