Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Local area analysis

Businesses use demographics to reduce loan repayments

Businesses are increasingly using demographics to help them find new customers, obtain business finance more readily and reduce their business costs. Have a look at this video put together by the Sunshine Coast Council which explains it...

How to tell the story of culturally diverse communities – Burmese in Maroondah

.id’s new Communities of Interest modules can give a fascinating insight into the characteristics of particular groups in the population. They are particularly interesting when used to study recent emerging...

The story of culturally diverse communities - Indians in Parramatta

.id’s new Communities of Interest module has the capability to look in depth at particular population groups in your area based on a characteristic.

Welcome Yass Valley to the .id community

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting Yass Valley, .id’s newest client. Yass Valley have subscribed to all four of .id’s online information tools, to elevate the role of decision making in their council,...

City of Perth joins the community

.id is pleased to announce that the City of Perth has just joined the community.

Frankston – unfairly tarnished with one brush?

The Age recently featured a really interesting article on Frankston. Those from Melbourne will know that Frankston has a reputation, like many outer suburban areas, of being uncultured, low socio-economic area,...

Sunshine Coast Council selects for major economic data project

Sunshine Coast Council recently released its Economic Development Strategy, and to keep track of the progress towards their economic development goals they selected, the online economic profile from... functionality summary has now been completely redeveloped with a raft of new functions and features.

That ole chestnut – population ageing in Queensland
By Simone - Myth Buster / 05 Sep, 2013

Last year I wrote a blog on age pyramids, and how significantly they can differ depending on the region and its role and function. This blog will take a similar tone, but look specifically at Queensland. The...

Flinders Island – our smallest population profile is now online!

Do you think your council is too small for a community profile? When .id first put together, we thought it would be useful for large metropolitan councils to look at differences between suburbs. It...

A city in flux…Christchurch
By Esther - Team Forecast / 13 Aug, 2013

We recently had an .id office social trip to the flicks to see Human Scale, a documentary about cities and civic design which “questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put...

A look at high density housing in Sydney
By Simone - Myth Buster / 29 Jul, 2013

One of the more visual aspects of urban and regional change in recent years has been the growth in construction of high rise apartments in the inner suburbs of Australian cities, particularly the CBD and...

The importance of the "bigger picture" when forecasting
By Nenad Petrović / 28 Jun, 2013

On a recent trip to South Australia with my colleague and frequent blog contributor, Simone, I was fortunate enough to engage in two client meetings. The first was to “kick off” a forecast review for Adelaide...

Keeping the "local" in Local Government - a population perspective on council amalgamations

‘Reform’ is one of the favourite words of the Australian Government lexicon. Reform seems to come in many guises and in the case of Local Government, reform means make ‘em bigger and better. Of course, one of...

.id launches National Economic Indicators Series

.id, in conjunction with NIEIR (National Economics), have released a key set of economic indicators for every Local Government Area (LGA) in Australia. The indicators provide a snapshot of each local economy,...

What to do when you think the ABS doesn’t recognise your town’s population? Form a republic!

Well, according to this article and a report on one of those 6:30pm shows on the telly, that’s what the good citizens of Taradale, Victoria decided to do, when the ABS apparently no longer had stats for their...

Broken Hill promotes the use of demographics to their community

The Broken Hill City Council recently adopted the use of and to explore and understand the changing characteristics of their community and their economy.

Hobsons Bay – steady growth, diverse community
By Simone - Myth Buster / 16 Aug, 2012

From a demographic perspective, the very mention of Melbourne’s western suburbs conjures up images of rapid urban expansion and strong population growth. While this is certainly the case in growth area councils...

Population, planning and school provision: It's high time for Coburg
By Guest / 24 Jun, 2012

This blog is published on behalf of the High School for Coburg advocacy group. It shows how population forecasts can support community groups advocating for services in their area to suit the changing...

NSW – the state with the most … population
By Simone - Myth Buster / 12 Apr, 2012

The recent release of ERP data by the ABS provides us with an opportunity to explore recent population trends prior to the release of 2011 Census data in June. Earlier this week we looked at population trends...

Victoria – the state with the most….growth
By Simone - Myth Buster / 08 Apr, 2012

We recently provided an overview of the main trends in population growth and change at the national level, based on the data recently released by the ABS in Regional Population Growth (ABS 3218.0)....

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