Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Local area analysis

It’s all about people and places

By Victor Fisher / 02 Mar, 2017

We are often approached by clients needing to solve complex service-delivery issues and make strategic business decisions. While using an evidence-base to assist in decision-making is a well-known approach, at .id we help solve business...

Regional collaborations within the .id community

.id’s community profiling tools are designed to break Local Government Areas down by suburb/town and tell the story of each place, the role it plays in the area, and how it is changing over time. But did you...

Using data to inform community engagement - Who do we REALLY need to plan for?
By Guest / 10 May, 2016

By Keith Davis, Manager Urban Design, City of Unley, South Australia.

Understanding young adult populations in regional areas – Bathurst

As well as being famous for the 1000 motor race, Bathurst also has a large Campus of Charles Sturt University, so it is something of a student town, with a relatively large young adult population.

Predicting your area's future heart health

Heart disease, heart attack and cardiac arrest are Australia’s number 1 cause of death. As they are more prevalent among the older age groups, Australia’s ageing population has a big impact on this group of...

Culturally diverse communities – Chinese population in the City of Whitehorse

Box Hill is a rapidly growing satellite CBD in Greater Melbourne, and home to one of the city’s largest Chinese-born populations. The local council is interested in understanding more about this growing...

Insights for local governments from the Federal Budget
By Rob Hall / 30 Jun, 2015

The 2015-16 Federal Budget has now been handed down. Budget Paper 1 provides a treasure trove of economic analysis and forecasts of the Australian economy. Let’s synthesize the main points of interest for local...

Population densities of Australian Capital Cities – Melbourne and Sydney
By Nenad Petrović / 16 Jun, 2015

In part 1 and part 2 , I looked at the greater capital cities in order from smallest to largest with the two remaining ones being the heavyweights – Melbourne and Sydney.

Population densities of Australian capital cities – Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane
By Nenad Petrović / 09 Jun, 2015

In the previous blog, I described in more detail as to why population density analysis is important. This entry continues on from that and describes the population densities in Greater Adelaide, Greater Perth...

Population densities of Australian capital cities
By Nenad Petrović / 04 Jun, 2015

How dense are we? Population densities have traditionally provided information on the distribution of populations across space. By assessing how dense an area is in terms of population, we can determine...

Planning for the happiness and well-being of your community

The definition of happiness and well-being differs greatly from one person to another. This doesn’t just apply to individuals but also to local governments and their communities. How can you effectively measure...

Creating public value for your community

How can you create public value for your community? To build public value, you’ll need to know the characteristics of your community members and the drivers for the local economy – and how they are changing...

The story of diverse communities – Migrants in Port Phillip

The City of Port Phillip, Victoria, is the latest LGA to subscribe to .id’s Communities of Interest module for Located in the inner suburbs just south of Melbourne, Port Phillip includes St Kilda,...

Perth metropolitan reform – update

Since the last blog on Perth Metropolitan Reform, there have been substantial changes.

Why we need to save the 2016 Census

It has been 2 weeks since the ABS dropped the bombshell that the Australian Statistician is proposing to cancel the 2016 Census. In that time there has been a lot of support for the Census, but several major...

Using population forecasts to project the health outcomes of suburbs
By Ivan - The Founder / 19 Feb, 2015

While there are well-documented links between health behaviours and health outcomes, there is also a growing body of work suggesting that the way we are designing and building our suburbs can have a significant...

Western Sydney profile – a region of diversity and growth

.id has recently been commissioned by the newly established “Centre for Western Sydney” at the University of Western Sydney, to produce a profile of the Greater Western Sydney region. Now online, this profile...

Perth Metropolitan LGA reform – demographic data towards 1 July 2015

In October, the State Government of Western Australia announced final reformed boundaries for metropolitan Perth (with a couple of exceptions), and Perth councils are now working towards implementing these...

Modelling future disability service demand in Wyndham

One of the most common questions we are asked at training sessions is “Do you have any information on disability?”. There is some information in the Census, on Need For Assistance, but it’s fairly basic, just a...

Is your council “Fit for the future”?

“Fit for the future” is the New South Wales Government’s new campaign to ensure financially and socially sustainable councils and progress the local government reform process in that state. It includes the...

Looking at your area from a demographic perspective: Mid Murray

Maybe I’m showing my age, but a recent trip to Mid-Murray Council reminded me of the old TV series F Troop. In the TV series, to get to Fort Courage, you had to turn left at the rock that looks like a bear, and...

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