Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Local area analysis

Is Parramatta the economic heart of Western Sydney?

Parramatta was Australia’s first inland European settlement, and is often referred to as Sydney’s second CBD. While you could also make this claim for a few other areas in Sydney, the data shows that the City of Parramatta does have the...

Making an impact on jobs

When does creating jobs in the city lead to more jobs in the countryside?

Immigration in the last 5 years – focus on South Australia

The next article in our migration series looks at South Australia. Not traditionally a migrant destination, SA is becoming more diverse. This series of articles analyses the data available on the Department of...

Migration within Australia – the hidden story in

In the “Additional Data” section of is the Migration section. This section contains some of the most powerful storytelling within the profile, and can explain a lot of the changes that you see in...

Fast Planning in New Zealand
By Ivan - The Founder / 25 Nov, 2011

Hey urban planners in OZ!… Do you want some challenges that are a bit different from managing growth? Well check out what’s happening in New Zealand.

Through the lens of the City of Sydney

Back in 1991, the boundaries of the City of Sydney only included the Sydney CBD and Ultimo/Pyrmont. The residential population of the city then was 7,000 and its working population was around 190,000. Twenty...

Who lives in newly developed suburbs?
By Richard Thornton / 08 Nov, 2011

We often need to produce population forecasts for future growth areas where, at the last census, few people were living but, once construction starts, the population will grow significantly over a short space...

South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula – A Story of Rapid Growth
By Simone - Myth Buster / 18 Oct, 2011

The Fleurieu Peninsula is located south of Adelaide, separated from the state capital by the southern Mount Lofty Ranges. Australia’s longest river, the Murray, ends its journey here. Traditionally, the...

A Tale of Two Suburbs – The concept of suburb lifecycles and how it can help us forecast possible futures

At .id, in our attempts to understand the complexities of a city, we often use reference frameworks to categorise places. We typically ask ourselves the question, “What is the role and function of this place?”,...

Spatial Planning - a new paradigm for planning in New Zealand?
By Ivan - The Founder / 14 Sep, 2011

Spatial Planning has a long tradition in the northern hemisphere; and it’s likely to be widely adopted by local government in New Zealand – with Auckland Council about to publish its first Spatial Plan. Spatial...

Griffith and the Western Riverina economy – driven by agriculture and food manufacturing

The Western Riverina region, centred on Griffith, in south-west NSW, previously subscribed to, enabling them to track the progress of their local economy over time, and understand the characteristics...

Construction and Finance powering The Hills economy

The Hills Shire Council, in North-West Sydney, have recently subscribed to, our online economic profile. This profile shows the size and makeup of the economy and the workforce in The Hills, and how...

Census Data, People & Places…a New Zealand case study
By Ivan - The Founder / 26 Aug, 2011

In my short time in New Zealand, I have observed some concern about Census data being ‘out-of-date’, with that concern being fuelled by it now being delayed to 2013. However, I believe the 2006 Census data is...

Hawkesbury – Sydney’s largest council by area joins .id

.id is pleased to welcome the City of Hawkesbury, population 64,030, to the .id community! With the addition of Hawkesbury, all councils in Western Sydney now subscribe to one or more .id products. The...

Why spatial analysis matters – the example of Western Australia
By Simone - Myth Buster / 17 Jun, 2011

For much of the past decade, population growth in Western Australia (WA) has been above the national average. This has been particularly the case since 2006, largely driven by the increased labour demands of...

City of Launceston – Tasmania’s largest council joins the .id community

Residents of Launceston are younger than the Tasmanian and Australian average, but the ageing of the baby boomers is the dominant population trend. The area is relatively low income but with an increasing high...

Western Australia – Is it all about mining?

Western Australia is often quoted as the “powerhouse” of the Australian economy, due to its huge mining wealth. From gold in the Kalgoorlie area, to the Pilbara’s iron ore, Argyle diamonds, Collie’s coal,...

Cairns uses to help diversify their economy

Back in September 2009, it was revealed that Far North Queensland had the highest unemployment rate in the country. The Cairns Regional Council decided to act and immediately established an Economic Development...

Dominant-emerging analysis – a simple technique for turning data into knowledge

At training sessions for and, we often get asked how to interpret some of the data presented in these tools. We suggest a simple but powerful technique called “dominant-emerging” analysis...

Impressions of Roebourne Shire, our most remote population forecast

Here at .id we’ve just finished our first population forecast for a remote area, the Shire of Roebourne, WA, and I was fortunate enough to be able to travel there recently to launch the forecast and run a...

Population turnaround in the Latrobe Valley
By Simone - Myth Buster / 12 Apr, 2011

The population of the Latrobe Valley has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Throughout the 1990s, the main story was one of decline, but today the picture is completely different. What...

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