Local area analysis
Population turnaround in the Latrobe Valley
The population of the Latrobe Valley has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Throughout the 1990s, the main story was one of decline, but today the picture is completely different. What factors are behind this...
Who is moving to the Gold Coast?
The Gold Coast is an iconic Australian place, which most Australians have some familiarity with. As of June 2009, the Gold Coast was the largest non-capital city in the nation, and the 6th largest city over...
Who lives in Meander Valley (Tasmania)?
Meander Valley has more children than the Tasmanian average, but the main emerging group is baby boomers (in their 50s in 2006)…
Case study – City of Unley Section 30 review
One of the problems in conducting a Section 30 review in older, established areas is the need to recognise and preserve the areas that define the character of the city, while still allowing for development of...