Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Is Melbourne’s population going to overtake Sydney’s?

The Age carried an article a couple of weeks ago, after ABS’s release of Regional Population Growth, about Melbourne’s record population growth over the past 9 years, and how it may overtake Sydney’s, if these rates continue, by the...

Did “The Force” influence the Census?

Happy Star Wars Day everyone – May the 4th be with you!….In line with this theme, here’s a brief look at the “Jedi” phenomenon and how it affected the Australian Census.

Rockhampton’s population on a steady growth trajectory

.id recently completed population forecasts to 2031 for the Rockhampton Region in Queensland. Funded by the Rockhampton Regional Council, the forecasts are designed to inform Council, community groups,...

Dominant-emerging analysis – a simple technique for turning data into knowledge

At training sessions for and, we often get asked how to interpret some of the data presented in these tools. We suggest a simple but powerful technique called “dominant-emerging” analysis...

Is your City ready for Electric Cars?

Earlier this month, Ford (USA) released a list of what it considers to be the 25 “most prepared” cities in the USA for electric vehicles. How would your city stack up?

New ABS Geography part 3. Replacing SLAs with SA2s

Probably the most radical change in the new ABS geography is the move to SA2s (“Statistical Area Level 2” – another imaginative name…). These replace Statistical Local Areas (SLAs), which were always a bit...

Impressions of Roebourne Shire, our most remote population forecast

Here at .id we’ve just finished our first population forecast for a remote area, the Shire of Roebourne, WA, and I was fortunate enough to be able to travel there recently to launch the forecast and run a...

Introducing the SA1, your new Collection District

As part of the new statistical geography called the ASGS (see earlier blog – The new geography standard – what is it and how does it affect me?), the ABS is fundamentally changing the boundaries on which Census...

Population turnaround in the Latrobe Valley
By Simone - Myth Buster / 12 Apr, 2011

The population of the Latrobe Valley has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Throughout the 1990s, the main story was one of decline, but today the picture is completely different. What...

Are homeless people counted in the Census?

We commonly get asked how homeless people are counted in the Census. Many councils have specific policies addressing the needs of the homeless, and accurate data is difficult to come by. The short answer is,...

Interstate migration converges. What does it mean for NSW and Queensland?

This week the ABS released its Australian Demographic Statistics. Despite an article in the Sydney Morning Herald highlighting New South Wales’ net interstate migration loss, entitled “We’re out of here say...

The power of data download

With the user-friendly interface of, it’s easy to get most information you are seeking, by navigating around using the menu options and tabs. But if you are seeking specific information, data...

You want progress and development? How about this for 20 years of rapid development.

Shanghai, China has experienced a growth rate that makes your head spin. Between the 1990 and 2000 Censuses the total population increased by 3.396 million or 25.5% to 16.738 million. At the end of 2009 it was...

Who is accessing broadband and who is not? Is it only Regional Australia that is missing out?
By Ivan - The Founder / 24 Mar, 2011

With the National Broadband Network (NBN) being hotly debated, we typically hear from the media that regional Australia suffers poor internet access – a fact which we at .id are well aware of given that we are...

Is there a market for family-style apartment living in Australia?
By Ivan - The Founder / 23 Mar, 2011

In which countries of the world do families live in apartments? I suspect that a significant percentage of families live in apartments in all urbanised (developed and developing) countries – with the exception...

The Christchurch earthquake – from a Census perspective…
By Nenad Petrović / 17 Mar, 2011

Just over three weeks ago, on Tuesday the 22nd of February 2011, Christchurch, the largest city on New Zealand’s South Island was hit by a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake killing over 160 people, injuring...

Beyond the Count – inside the ABS Census conference

A crew from .id (Ivan, Simone, Glenn and Lailani) attended and presented at the two day Beyond the Count conference (3-4 March) held by the ABS to promote the use of Census data. We noticed that not so many of...

Who is moving to the Gold Coast?

The Gold Coast is an iconic Australian place, which most Australians have some familiarity with. As of June 2009, the Gold Coast was the largest non-capital city in the nation, and the 6th largest city over...

Who lives in Meander Valley (Tasmania)?

Meander Valley has more children than the Tasmanian average, but the main emerging group is baby boomers (in their 50s in 2006)…

US Census 2010 results are out – what do they reveal?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 01 Mar, 2011

The latest US Census was conducted on 1 April 2010, but was no April Fool. Regular users of Census data will be aware that the Australian Census will be held this August, and will no doubt reveal much about the...

What is it like to work on the Census?

The Census is the biggest peacetime recruitment exercise Australia conducts, and Census Collectors are the foot soldiers of the operation. The ABS recently launched their Area Supervisor recruitment campaign....

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