How do you conduct a census without a written language?
The Inca Census and the Quipu …
Why are we excited about the 2011 Census?
The 2011 Census is just two weeks away. At .id, we deal with Census data every day, and both ourselves and our clients love the demographic stories it can tell about each suburb and town in Australia. There are...
The eCensus – completing your Census form online
For the 2011 Census, the ABS is promoting and recommending the eCensus – the option for all households to complete a Census form on the Internet. eCensus was offered in 2006 but not heavily promoted. We look at...
Are empty nesters moving to inner-city apartments?
A common demographic stereotype these days is that suburban empty nesters, whose children have finally left home, are downsizing into the inner parts of our cities, particularly being attracted to large...
Who decides which questions are on the Census?
Australia is gearing up to run the 2011 Census next month. Every 5 years Australia conducts a Census, which is a fantastic data resource, with a wealth of information for very small areas on the people that...
Who is involved in running the Census?
The Census is a massive undertaking every 5 years, which provides a wealth of information for all levels of government and private sector organisations. There are somewhere in the vicinity of 40,000 people...
Australia’s migrants – who are they and how are they changing?
The publication Migration, Australia (ABS Cat. No. 3412.0) is an annual release by the ABS. It provides more detailed information about the characteristics of migrants (both overseas and interstate) than is...
What is employment self-sufficiency?
In a recent blog we looked at employment self-containment, which is a measure that looks at the proportion of residents who work locally. Self-sufficiency is the opposite side of the coin. It looks at what...
Modern Day Planning – in 1966?
Modern day urban planners face the challenges of a growing population, catering for families, singles and ageing residents, increased numbers of tourists and much more. They need to establish areas for...
What is employment self-containment?
Self-containment of employment and self-sufficiency of employment are two terms which are often used in Local Government, but they have varying definitions from place to place, and their usefulness also varies....
Why spatial analysis matters – the example of Western Australia
For much of the past decade, population growth in Western Australia (WA) has been above the national average. This has been particularly the case since 2006, largely driven by the increased labour demands of...
New ABS Geography part 5: Greater Capital Cities - are they greater?
The ABS is moving from the concept of “Capital City Statistical Division” to “Greater Capital City Statistical Areas”, as part of the new geography – the ASGS. While this may just seem like a bit of jargon,...
Who are Australia's volunteers?
The 2006 Census was the first to ask questions relating to unpaid work in Australia, particularly child care, assistance to people with a disability, and volunteering. The question on volunteering was fairly...
City of Launceston – Tasmania’s largest council joins the .id community
Residents of Launceston are younger than the Tasmanian and Australian average, but the ageing of the baby boomers is the dominant population trend. The area is relatively low income but with an increasing high...
Western Australia – Is it all about mining?
Western Australia is often quoted as the “powerhouse” of the Australian economy, due to its huge mining wealth. From gold in the Kalgoorlie area, to the Pilbara’s iron ore, Argyle diamonds, Collie’s coal,...
Cairns uses to help diversify their economy
Back in September 2009, it was revealed that Far North Queensland had the highest unemployment rate in the country. The Cairns Regional Council decided to act and immediately established an Economic Development...
Is there anything in Australia's new Sustainable Population Strategy?
Two weeks ago saw the release of the Commonwealth Government’s Sustainable Population Strategy for Australia. The impetus behind this strategy came from the population and overseas migration debate that...
Counting employment – which figures to use
One of the most important bits of economic information a council can have is about employment. However there are different ways of measuring employment and it can be confusing figuring out which one to use.This...
Is the baby bonus responsible for the high birth rate in Australia?
The increase in the Australian birth rate since 2002 is well documented, and was largely unexpected, as most of us expected the trend towards smaller families and more childless couples to continue for the...
Where we were in 1921?
Which parts of Australia roared loudest in the roaring 20s? Thanks to the ABS kindly publishing old Australian year books on their website, we can see how Australia’s population was distributed in the long lost...
Understanding the new ABS Geography part 4. SA3s and SA4s
The ABS is introducing a new geographic classification, which means the geography for which statistics are generated from a wide variety of collections, including the Census, is going to change radically. This...