Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

The new ABS geography standard part 1 – what is it and how does it affect me?

Over the past few years, the Australian Bureau of Statistics has been working out a whole new Statistical Geography for Australia.

Case study – City of Unley Section 30 review

One of the problems in conducting a Section 30 review in older, established areas is the need to recognise and preserve the areas that define the character of the city, while still allowing for development of...

Fishermans Bend – new suburb raises the transport question

The Baillieu Government announced its ‘inner-city revolution’ today, with the go-ahead for the development of 200 hectares of land around Fishermans Bend, near the West Gate Bridge – as announced in The Age –...

Where are they now? A history of Melbourne’s railway stations

Hmmm… is this a list of areas that .id has profiled or forecasted? Well some of them are, but not quite. They are in fact the weird and wonderful destinations from a 1980s Melbourne Comeng train destination...

Will the kids ever leave home?

One of the funny things about doing population forecasting is the response you get from clients about certain issues. One such issue that cuts close to the bone is this vexed issue of when will the children...

The hare and the turtle: commuting statistics

I was riding my bike home from work in the rain last night, when I came across an unexpected lump on the cycle track. To my amazement, it turned out to be a turtle crossing the road. This was not something I...

Australia’s population growth slows

Australia’s record population growth rate has begun to slow, driven by a decline in overseas migration, according to the latest issue of Australian Demographic Statistics published by the Australian Bureau of...

Should I use Enumerated or Usual Residence data?

One of the most common questions we are asked about Census data is whether it’s best to use Enumerated or Usual Residence data when making statements about populations. Our Census product,, gives...

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