Australia’s population – still growing, in different places!
Every year about this time we get an update on population growth at the local level. The ABS updates national and state populations every quarter, but local areas only once a year, in their Regional Population Growth publication.
Nine things we wouldn’t know without a Census
Last week the ABS confirmed that a decision regarding the fate of the 2016 Census and the future of the five yearly Census cycle was still on hold. One of the reasons the ABS wants to move the Census to a ten...
What is Australia’s fastest growing inland town?
This was a question put to me by one of our forecast clients recently, and it did intrigue me. After all, there’s so much attention on the growth of our major cities and coastal areas, that population trends in...
Axe the 2016 Census? You've got to be kidding!
Canada have done it, with terrible results. The UK have threatened to do it and then gone back. Now it’s Australia’s turn, apparently. The government and ABS is refusing to confirm whether the 2016 Census will...
Is Melbourne as dense as Hong Kong?
Recently The Age and various news outlets reported on a study done last year as part of a Churchill Fellowship by a Melbourne City Council staffer. The report was promoted in the television media as...
Australia’s population growth steady, NSW booming
As they often do, a few days before Christmas, the ABS released their June Quarter 2014 update of Australian Demographic Statistics. It shows that in the 2013-14 financial year, Australia’s population grew by...
Census migration data – the how and how not
We at .id were saddened to learn of the recent passing of Professor Graeme Hugo. There aren’t many people in Australia’s demographic community who haven’t been influenced by his works – he was a prolific writer...
Australian Population Grid – a new view of population density
The ABS has a habit of releasing interesting things just before Christmas. In 2014, they released a brand new view of Australian population density, enabling mapping which shows our population distribution in...
Health services in rural Australia
Many rural areas of Australia have been experiencing a decline in population. This is not a new phenomenon, some areas have been declining since the late 19th – early 20th century. What has put a twist on this...
How are Australia’s largest migrant groups celebrating Christmas?
I love Christmas, it’s my favourite time of year. I like the food, the tree, the carols and getting to spend time with my family. A couple of years ago, Rebecca wrote a fantastic blog on the number of people...
Birth numbers remain high
The ABS has recently released its annual data on births in Australia, which contains detailed information on just about every aspect of fertility – number of births, rates, age specific rates, median age of...
Electricity still the leading choice for home heating in New Zealand
I’m not one of those “stoic kiwis” who happily skips through freezing winters in a cold house. I grumble and moan through the cold months, mummified in multiple layers of clothing, promising myself tropical...
Perth – population profile of a boom city
This blog has been superseded and we have now updated our population forecasts for Western Australia. Read more here. The resurgence of Perth has attracted significant attention of late. Earlier this year Baz...
Why are the population figures different in profile and forecast.id?
One of the more challenging aspects of working in the demographic field is the multitude of different population figures we have to deal with. If it’s not a final figure, it’s probably preliminary, revised,...
Statistics New Zealand releases the first population estimates from adjusted 2013 census data
If you are armpit deep in LTP planning, Statistics New Zealand’s release of revised subnational population estimates as at June 2013 will have been very, very welcome. The national population estimates using...
How urbanised is Australia’s population?
In my last blog, I looked at one measure of the urban nature of the population – how centralised each state’s population is around the capital city and surrounds.
Population growth in Western Australia
This blog has been superseded and we have now updated our population forecasts for Western Australia. Read more here. We’ve all heard about the mining boom in Western Australia, but what has been the impact on...
It takes two to tango – male fertility rate
Studies of fertility have dominated demography since the 1970s, as the addition of children is one of the major sources of population growth. The vast majority of studies on fertility are conducted from the...
How centralised is Australia’s population?
Australia is one of the most urbanised nations in the world, with an oft-quoted figure of 85% of the population living within 50km of the coast of our very large continent, with vast empty areas in the middle....
National demographic indicators for New Zealand – where does your area rank?
.id is proud to announce the launch of our New Zealand National Demographic Indicators Series (NDIS). The table ranks all Territorial Authorities (TAs) on a range of demographic measures.
Population Density – just how much room do you need?
Look at any list of population density by country, and you’ll be sure to find Australia pretty close to the bottom. Often called the “island continent”, Australia, as a country, has a population density of just...