Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Population trends

When will Sydney run out of greenfield land?

.id has undertaken a set of highly detailed population forecast for New South Wales and the ACT over the last 12 months. This work has given us a great insight into some of the planning challenges for urban development across NSW and...

Sydney’s population – a story of consolidation

Sydney, Australia’s largest city and oldest European settlement, is also known as Australia’s world city, and the “city of cities”. It is the entry point of most new migrants to Australia, has the busiest...

Making sense of population counts

When people ask – “How many people live in Statsville?” they expect a straight forward, unambiguous answer. If only it were that simple! Believe it or not there are several different ways to count people in...

Melbourne’s population – a story of growth

This blog has been superseded with an updated version – Melbourne’s population growth – trends after the Census. Melbourne, the second-largest city in Australia, has been rapidly growing for some time. This...

Top 33 largest cities in Australia by population in 2012

This blog has been superseded with an updated version – Top 50 largest cities and towns in Australia by population. For more up to date population and population forecasts for NSW, read our blog on the Top 20...

NSW – the state with the most … population
By Simone - Myth Buster / 12 Apr, 2012

The recent release of ERP data by the ABS provides us with an opportunity to explore recent population trends prior to the release of 2011 Census data in June. Earlier this week we looked at population trends...

Victoria – the state with the most….growth
By Simone - Myth Buster / 08 Apr, 2012

We recently provided an overview of the main trends in population growth and change at the national level, based on the data recently released by the ABS in Regional Population Growth (ABS 3218.0)....

Top 10 fastest growing local populations in Australia

On Friday March 30th, the ABS released its annual update of population for all Local Government Areas in Australia. What does it show? Melbourne’s population continues to outgrow Sydney’s, but Perth is the...

Which States are the winners in the migration game?

When it comes to net interstate migration in Australia, all States and Territories tend to lose to Queensland, with New South Wales having the greatest loss. Victoria and New South Wales traditionally lose...

Who are the baby boomers?

The term “generations” often gets used these days, and the difference between people of different ages is attributed to when they were born, and which letter of the alphabet has been assigned to them (X, Y...

How much older can we get?

We are living longer than ever before but there is significant controversy regarding the likelihood of continued increases in life expectancy. In general terms, survival rates (share of persons living to next...

It’s not just about the Census – what other population data is released by the ABS?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 07 Feb, 2012

At .id we are keen users of Census data and are eagerly anticipating the release of 2011 data in June. However, it’s not as if the ABS sits around twiddling its thumbs in non-Census years – they have an active...

Immigration in the last 5 years – focus on South Australia

The next article in our migration series looks at South Australia. Not traditionally a migrant destination, SA is becoming more diverse. This series of articles analyses the data available on the Department of...

Immigration in the last 5 years – focus on Queensland

The next article in our migration series looks at Queensland, the sunshine state. In recent years, Queensland has had very large population growth, particularly in the south-east. My article “Who is moving to...

Population growth slowing but still high

Australia’s population grew in the year ended June 2011 to 22,620,600 people, a growth of 320,800 for the year (1.4%). This is the lowest growth for any year since 2005-06, but it’s still relatively high in...

Immigration in the past 5 years – focus on Tasmania

Tasmania is not often considered when it comes to migrants coming into Australia. It is true that the majority of migrants arrive into Sydney and Melbourne, but with the very large numbers of migrants in the...

Migration in the last 5 years – focus on Western Australia

The next article in our migration series looks at Australia’s fastest growing state, Western Australia. This series of articles analyses the data available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship...

Australia's births reach record numbers
By Simone - Myth Buster / 11 Nov, 2011

One of the more anticipated publications released by the ABS is Births, Australia (Cat. No. 3301.0) – click here to view publication, which is produced on an annual basis. The data contained in this publication...

How do populations grow and change?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 23 Sep, 2011

I’m not normally one of those people who bores their friends with detailed insights from my professional life, but during a recent dinner party conversation I felt the need to open up and provide a more...

Before we bid goodbye to 2006 Census: Where is Australia now?
By Rebecca / 12 Aug, 2011

As the “Census fever” dies down and everyone is patiently looking forward to the results of 2011 Census (which will be released in June 2012), let us take a quick look at where 2006 Census has brought us.

Australia’s migrants – who are they and how are they changing?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 29 Jun, 2011

The publication Migration, Australia (ABS Cat. No. 3412.0) is an annual release by the ABS. It provides more detailed information about the characteristics of migrants (both overseas and interstate) than is...

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