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Population trends

Why spatial analysis matters – the example of Western Australia

By Simone - Myth Buster / 17 Jun, 2011

For much of the past decade, population growth in Western Australia (WA) has been above the national average. This has been particularly the case since 2006, largely driven by the increased labour demands of the mining industry. Over...

Is there anything in Australia's new Sustainable Population Strategy?

Two weeks ago saw the release of the Commonwealth Government’s Sustainable Population Strategy for Australia. The impetus behind this strategy came from the population and overseas migration debate that...

Is the baby bonus responsible for the high birth rate in Australia?

The increase in the Australian birth rate since 2002 is well documented, and was largely unexpected, as most of us expected the trend towards smaller families and more childless couples to continue for the...

Where we were in 1921?

Which parts of Australia roared loudest in the roaring 20s? Thanks to the ABS kindly publishing old Australian year books on their website, we can see how Australia’s population was distributed in the long lost...

Australia’s population growth slows

Australia’s record population growth rate has begun to slow, driven by a decline in overseas migration, according to the latest issue of Australian Demographic Statistics published by the Australian Bureau of...

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