Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Population trends

Australian population growth trends in 2012

By Simone - Myth Buster / 16 May, 2013

The ABS recently released their small area population estimates for the year ended June 2012. This is the first insight into population change at smaller areas of geography since the 2011 Census. In their analysis, the ABS has moved...

Top 50 largest cities in Australia by population in 2013

**This blog has been updated: read the latest version of Top 50 largest cities and towns in Australia by population.

ERP re-re-re-revisions – explanation and implications
By Esther - Team Forecast / 05 Feb, 2013

Australia’s official population count, Estimated Resident Population (ERP), is always revised following a census. This year however additional revisions have been announced following a methodological...

Population change on the Gold Coast
By Simone - Myth Buster / 01 Feb, 2013

The Gold Coast is an interesting study in urban geography, especially in the Australian context, as its rise to prominence as a major urban area is a relatively recent phenomenon. It has moved well beyond its...

Using the Australia profile to find out who lives in Melbourne

Melbourne is often described as Australia’s sporting capital, home to iconic events such as the Boxing Day Test, the Australian Tennis Open and the F1 GP, not to mention the home of most of the AFL clubs.

Community profile for Australia is now online – what does it show?
By Esther - Team Forecast / 15 Jan, 2013

The .id Australian Community Profile site makes it easy to analyse census data, in this blog I explore changes to the numbers and settlement patterns of Australian residents born overseas…

2012 APA Conference – some insights
By Simone - Myth Buster / 11 Dec, 2012

The 2012 Australian Population Association Conference (APA) was held in Melbourne last week. This is the biennial conference held by Australia’s professional organisation for demographers, and the program...

Darwin's population in 2011 - at the top end of growth?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 16 Oct, 2012

Population wise, the Northern Territory is Australia’s smallest State or Territory, but it is also one that has distinctive characteristics due to its demographic composition and settlement pattern. Compared to...

Population milestones – or millstones?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 20 Sep, 2012

A few years ago the ABS estimated the population of the Shire of Melton to be 100,000. Not 100,001 or 99,999 – exactly 100,000. Now of course it was a preliminary estimate which has since been changed, but it...

Adelaide’s population 2011 – growth and change since 2006
By Simone - Myth Buster / 04 Sep, 2012

South Australia is one of the slower growing states in Australia and this is also true of its capital, Adelaide. Once Australia’s fourth largest city, Adelaide dropped to fifth in 1984 when it was overtaken by...

Population revision – where have all the people gone?

On July 31st, the ABS released the first 2011-Census based population estimates for Local Government Areas and smaller areas. These are based on the 2011Census results which are adjusted for the under count and...

Sydney’s population in 2011 – growth and change in the last five years
By Simone - Myth Buster / 21 Aug, 2012

In late July, the ABS released what we demographers call the rebased population estimates (new Estimated Resident Population – ERP), including revisions of the annual estimates back to 2007. This data can be...

Census 2011 – where do retiring baby boomers live?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 02 Aug, 2012

In one of our previous Census blogs, we drew attention to the fact that 60-64 year olds were the fastest growing five year age cohort between the 2006 and 2011 Censuses, due mainly to the baby boomer generation...

Latest population figures – Australia’s Capital Cities

On July 31st, 2012, the ABS quietly released the official population estimates (Estimated Resident Population, or ERP) for small areas in Australia. These are the first official population figures available for...

Census 2011 – the impact of the twenty-somethings boom in Western Australia
By Simone - Myth Buster / 19 Jul, 2012

At .id we like 25-29 year olds – not because that’s how old we are – but because they are possibly the most challenging age cohort to define demographically. Much as the media would have us believe, they don’t...

Census 2011 – Tasmania is the oldest state
By Simone - Myth Buster / 10 Jul, 2012

Perhaps because it is the smallest State, Tasmania is often neglected in population analyses yet there are some significant demographic trends occurring. Data from the 2011 Census shows that on the measure of...

Australian 2011 Census-based population estimates are out. What do they reveal?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 20 Jun, 2012

While Australia’s population continues to grow, it is at a slower pace than the highs recorded a few years ago. In a precursor to the release of 2011 Census data tomorrow, the ABS today released the quarterly...

The population of the Gold Coast - a story of spectacular growth

Until the 1960s, the Gold Coast was just a string of sleepy coastal villages. The Gold Coast population explosion that has occurred since that time is one of the amazing stories in Australian demographics, as...

Is Perth the most remote city in the world?

When preparing my last blog “Perth’s population – a story of economic boom”, I initially made a statement which I’ve long believed, though I forgot where I heard it. That is the “fact” that Perth is the most...

Population of Brisbane – a story of coastal migration

Brisbane is Australia’s third-largest city, and is at the centre of a massive population boom in recent years occurring in the south-eastern corner of the Sunshine State. However, Queensland is unusual among...

Perth’s population – a story of economic boom

Perth is Australia’s 4th largest city, and contains the bulk of Western Australia’s population. Perth is a very remote city, at over 2,000km from Adelaide and over 3,000km from the east coast, and in many ways...

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