Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

New zealand population and census

Forecasting in New Zealand – Building regional knowledge in the Wellington Region

By Nenad Petrović / 23 Jun, 2016

How do regional population growth, migration and movement affect local populations? Two new Territorial Authorities in the Wellington Region have recently obtained population and household forecasts – Hutt City and Porirua...

What is your place of work doing to encourage Te Reo Māori?

I used to work with a team of customer service staff who dreaded Māori Language week each year because customers would often react angrily to a Māori salutation. Thankfully that was many years ago and Te Reo...

The implications of lower levels of home ownership on social capital

My previous blog took a look at rising rental activity across New Zealand. Higher levels of renting seemed to roughly correspond with less affordable home ownership levels. But why does it really matter if...

Renting levels are on the increase in New Zealand

Home affordability is a big deal in many parts of New Zealand. On a weekly basis, there a predictable bruhaha in the media about Auckland alone. The following infographic depicts levels of affordability for...

Tourism in New Zealand ? Are these your holiday destinations this summer?

Imagine having more than 40,000 tourists, or 10 times the size of your population, visiting your local area this summer. What will that be like?

Is loneliness a stage of life, a generational thing or a problem of our era?

I was enjoying a glass of wine with no. 2 son this week when, as a fledgling winemaker/philosopher, he mentioned the struggles of his generation – the “lonely” generation. The fact that the no.2 son had...

The double whammy changing the age profile in rural New Zealand

While births and deaths have an influence on local population characteristics, migration is by far the most powerful force in population change. A while ago I wrote a blog investigating internal migration,...

How can local government respond to an ageing population?

New Zealand has arguably been in a trend of ageing for close to a century. All you have to do is look at the steady decline of birth rates and the increase in life expectancy.

The social and economic impacts of higher education in Wellington

In the 2013 census 37.5% of the Wellington population over the age of 15 had a tertiary degree. Compare that result against Queenstown in distant second place with 22%. Auckland lies third with 21.9%.*

University towns in New Zealand - their impacts on the community and economy

How do universities affect our population, housing and industries? University is a very special time of life for most… and some of us keep going back! Universities are also special for the city they are part of...

Profiling indigenous communities

The 2013 census population for Māori in New Zealand was 668,715. How can we better understand this indigenous community? What are the demographic characteristics of this population and how has it changed over...

Analysing Christchurch?s Population Change 2006-2013
By Nenad Petrović / 13 Apr, 2015

On my recent Christmas break back in New Zealand, I was lucky to fly out of Christchurch on a beautiful sunny day and even luckier to have a window seat. The geographer/demographer in me was curious to see what...

If I ruled the world – the reality of population growth in NZ

Recently a discussion between Christchurch City councillors was debated at length in the media. Now the councillors and Mayor may have just been spitballing… but the headline read

NZ: of Maui's might and spirits departing

Just before Christmas, the Far North District Council became the latest New Zealand local authority to join with .id. in New Zealand

Sometimes you need to get up really close and personal … with your community. Standing too far back can hide the special characteristics of a neighbourhood.

Electricity still the leading choice for home heating in New Zealand

I’m not one of those “stoic kiwis” who happily skips through freezing winters in a cold house. I grumble and moan through the cold months, mummified in multiple layers of clothing, promising myself tropical...

Travel to work trends – buses still not sexy enough?

There’s not a council in New Zealand (or Australia for that matter) not actively encouraging people to make healthy, safe, environmentally sustainable transport choices whether it is through engineering,...

Statistics New Zealand releases the first population estimates from adjusted 2013 census data

If you are armpit deep in LTP planning, Statistics New Zealand’s release of revised subnational population estimates as at June 2013 will have been very, very welcome. The national population estimates using...

National demographic indicators for New Zealand – where does your area rank?

.id is proud to announce the launch of our New Zealand National Demographic Indicators Series (NDIS). The table ranks all Territorial Authorities (TAs) on a range of demographic measures.

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