Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Is Perth the most remote city in the world?

When preparing my last blog “Perth’s population – a story of economic boom”, I initially made a statement which I’ve long believed, though I forgot where I heard it. That is the “fact” that Perth is the most remote city of more than a...

Population of Brisbane – a story of coastal migration

Brisbane is Australia’s third-largest city, and is at the centre of a massive population boom in recent years occurring in the south-eastern corner of the Sunshine State. However, Queensland is unusual among...

How do I get information out of .id’s websites?

One of the questions we get asked most often at .id training sessions is how to get the data, charts and text out of the .id websites and into your working documents and presentations. This blog will step you...

Perth’s population – a story of economic boom

Perth is Australia’s 4th largest city, and contains the bulk of Western Australia’s population. Perth is a very remote city, at over 2,000km from Adelaide and over 3,000km from the east coast, and in many ways...

When will Sydney run out of greenfield land?

.id has undertaken a set of highly detailed population forecast for New South Wales and the ACT over the last 12 months. This work has given us a great insight into some of the planning challenges for urban...

New South Wales – a population forecasting journey

The pundits enjoy talking about Queensland and Western Australia for their population and employment growth potential, but for sheer scale and size, New South Wales is the winner. We have had the ‘pleasure’ of...

Wanganui's baby blues
By Ivan - The Founder / 18 May, 2012

A case study of the impacts of service delivery on population outcomes.

Can housing diversity be achieved in new growth areas?
By Richard Thornton / 17 May, 2012

I recently wrote a blog where I made the point that the largest group attracted to greenfield developments in growth areas were younger families with parents typically aged 20-34 years. This prompted queries...

The Census drove the creation of the modern computer

Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. This has never been more true than in the case of the US Census of the late 1800’s, which in many ways set the wheels in motion for the development of the modern...

Scrap the Census? You have to be kidding, right?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 10 May, 2012

I was recently forwarded an article published on the BBC website, which outlined calls by the Conservative Government in the UK to scrap the Census in its current format. The premise of their argument is that...

Generations X and Y – what’s in a letter?

In a previous article I looked at the baby boomers, those born in the post-war baby boom, and discovered that it actually started well before the end of World War II. This article looks at the generations which...

Sydney’s population – a story of consolidation

Sydney, Australia’s largest city and oldest European settlement, is also known as Australia’s world city, and the “city of cities”. It is the entry point of most new migrants to Australia, has the busiest...

Making sense of population counts

When people ask – “How many people live in Statsville?” they expect a straight forward, unambiguous answer. If only it were that simple! Believe it or not there are several different ways to count people in...

What is your consultation delivering?

Many New Zealand councils are still up to their armpits in the 2012 Long Term Plan (LTP) consultation. It’s a huge undertaking and one of the most important consultation tasks conducted by councils. I talked a...

Don’t put air-conditioning in the car – control the temperature of the road instead….!

It’s fun, but also interesting and entertaining to look at what the futurists and planners had in mind for the future of transport development back in the late 50’s.

Melbourne’s population – a story of growth

This blog has been superseded with an updated version – Melbourne’s population growth – trends after the Census. Melbourne, the second-largest city in Australia, has been rapidly growing for some time. This...

Top 33 largest cities in Australia by population in 2012

This blog has been superseded with an updated version – Top 50 largest cities and towns in Australia by population. For more up to date population and population forecasts for NSW, read our blog on the Top 20...

NSW – the state with the most … population
By Simone - Myth Buster / 12 Apr, 2012

The recent release of ERP data by the ABS provides us with an opportunity to explore recent population trends prior to the release of 2011 Census data in June. Earlier this week we looked at population trends...

Victoria – the state with the most….growth
By Simone - Myth Buster / 08 Apr, 2012

We recently provided an overview of the main trends in population growth and change at the national level, based on the data recently released by the ABS in Regional Population Growth (ABS 3218.0)....

Top 10 fastest growing local populations in Australia

On Friday March 30th, the ABS released its annual update of population for all Local Government Areas in Australia. What does it show? Melbourne’s population continues to outgrow Sydney’s, but Perth is the...

Reliable local area economic data is no longer hard to come by
By Ivan - The Founder / 30 Mar, 2012

With something like 200 councils using ® over the past 15 years or so, a frequently asked question at council briefing and training sessions has been, “Can you extend ® to include economic...

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