Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Demographics is for the nerds… discuss!

It was a pleasure to spend time in Wanganui recently at the Wanganui District Council-run TechEx (checkout their website ). It was a three day IT expo focusing on the opportunities that their new ultra-fast broadband...

It's time to update the .id link page on your website

Check the link text to the .id resources on your council website. Does it still say it has the “new” data from the 2001 census? We’ve checked and lots do!

In 2012 adult diapers outsell baby diapers in Japan for the first time

It’s true – and apart from being a weird, interesting fact that you can use at your next quiz night, it indicates a much broader issue – an ageing population in a country with little immigration. As a result,...

Census to move entirely online in 2016? We doubt it!

A few days before Census release, the Canberra Times had an article about possible changes for the next Census in 2016, from an interview with the Australian Statistician, Brian Pink. It contained some...

Census 2011 – the impact of the twenty-somethings boom in Western Australia
By Simone - Myth Buster / 19 Jul, 2012

At .id we like 25-29 year olds – not because that’s how old we are – but because they are possibly the most challenging age cohort to define demographically. Much as the media would have us believe, they don’t...

2011 Census – Australia’s changing multicultural mix

Every Census, one of the topics that gathers the most interest is the changing mix of origins of Australia’s residents. Country of Birth is the easiest way to measure this. Australia is a multicultural society,...

Census 2011 – the where and how of vacant dwellings
By Simone - Myth Buster / 12 Jul, 2012

While many people get excited about the population characteristics revealed by Census data, many forget that it is a Census of Population AND Housing. The type, structure and composition of dwellings and...

Census 2011 – Tasmania is the oldest state
By Simone - Myth Buster / 10 Jul, 2012

Perhaps because it is the smallest State, Tasmania is often neglected in population analyses yet there are some significant demographic trends occurring. Data from the 2011 Census shows that on the measure of...

Census 2011 – where do the children play?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 05 Jul, 2012

Much has been made in the media in recent years about a baby boom, baby bounce – whatever fancy name you want to give it – but there’s no doubting the evidence base. In the last ten years or so the total...

Census 2011 – our ever changing age structure
By Simone - Myth Buster / 03 Jul, 2012

How old are you? Some would consider this a personal question but there’s no getting away from the fact that our age is part of who we are. The age structure of a population is an important determinant as to...

Census Australia 2011 – A quality result?

Well the Census Australia 2011 results are out now, and we will be blogging about our discoveries over the coming weeks, months and years. We’re working away now to get the 2011-based community profile and...

What do demographic characteristics tell us about who sets the local agenda?

Who responds to invitations for public consultation? Demographic analysis shows they are more likely to be male, older, Anglo Celtic, well-educated and to have a higher income. Missing are the submissions from...

Census 2011 crystal ball gazing - so how did I do?

Well the Census results are out, so it’s finally time to check my 11 predictions made before the release of the results and see how well I did. Did I pick the trend right? How close did I get to the actual...

Population, planning and school provision: It's high time for Coburg
By Guest / 24 Jun, 2012

This blog is published on behalf of the High School for Coburg advocacy group. It shows how population forecasts can support community groups advocating for services in their area to suit the changing...

Population confusion after 2011 Census release!

With the Census results released yesterday, lots of people, organisations and governments are looking up their local area’s population using the Quickstats feature on the ABS website. The headline number on...

Launch of the 2011 Australian Census data!

I was fortunate enough to to attend the launch of the 2011 Census at the Data Processing Centre in Melbourne today. Only about 50 people were invited to hear the results announcement.

First Australian 2011 Census results – how have we changed?

The first release of Australian 2011 Census results was published today. We celebrated with champagne and then crowded around computers as the results were released. Here is a quick summary of some of the...

Australian 2011 Census-based population estimates are out. What do they reveal?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 20 Jun, 2012

While Australia’s population continues to grow, it is at a slower pace than the highs recorded a few years ago. In a precursor to the release of 2011 Census data tomorrow, the ABS today released the quarterly...

Register here for Australian 2011 Census updates

Many people are eagerly awaiting the first release of Australian 2011 Census results. Us and our clients more than most! As a licensed intermediary of ABS Census data, we take the raw Census data and convert it...

Australian Census 2011 predictions – Crystal Ball gazing revisited

The Australian Census 2011 results are imminent, so I thought it would be worth revisiting some of the predictions I made for the Census results, around the time the Census was actually being collected. I...

The population of the Gold Coast - a story of spectacular growth

Until the 1960s, the Gold Coast was just a string of sleepy coastal villages. The Gold Coast population explosion that has occurred since that time is one of the amazing stories in Australian demographics, as...

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