Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

By - glenn the census expert

The Syrian community in Australia

At .id, we welcome the news that Australia will be taking 12,000 Syrian refugees this year, in addition to our regular intake of refugees of around 13-14,000. This is an excellent response to the crisis, providing a home for thousands...

How many refugees does Australia take?

With the current crisis around Syrian refugees, Australia is under pressure to “do more” with this global issue. We thought we’d provide some context by analysing what Australia does already, and where our...

2016 Census goes digital – .id’s views on the changes to Census

On August 20, 2015, the ABS released their “Census Nature and Content” document for the 2016 Census. This normally comes out about 2 years before the Census, so it’s a bit late this time, due to the confusion...

Predicting your area's future heart health

Heart disease, heart attack and cardiac arrest are Australia’s number 1 cause of death. As they are more prevalent among the older age groups, Australia’s ageing population has a big impact on this group of...

Culturally diverse communities – Chinese population in the City of Whitehorse

Box Hill is a rapidly growing satellite CBD in Greater Melbourne, and home to one of the city’s largest Chinese-born populations. The local council is interested in understanding more about this growing...

Profiling culturally diverse communities in NSW

How can you profile and visualize cultural diversity within a state? The Multicultural New South Wales profile is now available to everyone. It provides a range of information on the culturally diverse...

The latest population figures: Australia down, Victoria up

Victoria emerged as the fastest growing state (since 1888!) by population in the latest quarterly issue of Australian Demographic Statistics (3101.0). What are some other interesting population trends for...

Housing bubbles, rents and affordability in Sydney and Melbourne: A demographer's take

One of the most popular topics in the media at the moment is housing affordability. Specifically, are Sydney and Melbourne housing prices in a bubble? Take for example this recent article in the Fairfax media.

Updates on the 2016 Census

What are some of changes you can expect to see in the 2016 Census with the additional funding boost?

The economic value of places within your LGA

What economic contribution does a place make? How many industries are in this area and how productive are they? Is our local shopping area the main contributor to the economic output of our place? These and...

Creating public value for your community

How can you create public value for your community? To build public value, you’ll need to know the characteristics of your community members and the drivers for the local economy – and how they are changing...

The story of diverse communities – Migrants in Port Phillip

The City of Port Phillip, Victoria, is the latest LGA to subscribe to .id’s Communities of Interest module for Located in the inner suburbs just south of Melbourne, Port Phillip includes St Kilda,...

Australia’s population – still growing, in different places!

Every year about this time we get an update on population growth at the local level. The ABS updates national and state populations every quarter, but local areas only once a year, in their Regional Population...

What do the 2013/2014 economic datasets tell us?

We have recently fully updated all sites with 2013/14 datasets from NIEIR.

Victorian crime statistics release – Is Victoria in the grip of a crime wave?

The news in Melbourne at the moment is dominated by the shocking murder of Doncaster teenager Masa Vukotic. This tragic event has overshadowed the release of detailed data on crime in the state. The new,...

What are the characteristics of seniors living in your community?

If you’re planning for services for the ageing community, it’s critical to understand the specific characteristics of the seniors living in your community. How many are living with their children still at home?...

What is the value of housing in your local economy?

We are very excited to introduce new data on housing valuation and rental listings to our economic profiles (, via our new partnership with Hometrack Pty. Ltd.

Perth metropolitan reform – update

Since the last blog on Perth Metropolitan Reform, there have been substantial changes.

Why we need to save the 2016 Census

It has been 2 weeks since the ABS dropped the bombshell that the Australian Statistician is proposing to cancel the 2016 Census. In that time there has been a lot of support for the Census, but several major...

Axe the 2016 Census? You've got to be kidding!

Canada have done it, with terrible results. The UK have threatened to do it and then gone back. Now it’s Australia’s turn, apparently. The government and ABS is refusing to confirm whether the 2016 Census will...

Is Melbourne as dense as Hong Kong?

Recently The Age and various news outlets reported on a study done last year as part of a Churchill Fellowship by a Melbourne City Council staffer. The report was promoted in the television media as...

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