Immigration in the last 5 years – focus on South Australia
The next article in our migration series looks at South Australia. Not traditionally a migrant destination, SA is becoming more diverse. This series of articles analyses the data available on the Department of Immigratio n and...
Immigration in the last 5 years – focus on Queensland
The next article in our migration series looks at Queensland, the sunshine state. In recent years, Queensland has had very large population growth, particularly in the south-east. My article “Who is moving to...
Population growth slowing but still high
Australia’s population grew in the year ended June 2011 to 22,620,600 people, a growth of 320,800 for the year (1.4%). This is the lowest growth for any year since 2005-06, but it’s still relatively high in...
Happy Birthday .id’s blog!
It was a year ago this week (Dec 23rd) we posted the first article on this blog, entitled “Should I use enumerated or usual residence data?“. The blog was conceived as a way to share the information we get from...
The house of the future - the house they almost couldn't demolish!
The late 1950’s was a period of unbridled optimism and consumerism, as new products poured onto the market almost daily. The pace of change was relentless and it seemed that people were always looking for the...
How many in Australia will celebrate Christmas?
Christmas is round the corner and the shopping frenzy has begun! Coming from a traditional Buddhist family, I have never formally celebrated Christmas. The emphasis here is “formally”. In other words, I still...
Immigration in the past 5 years – focus on Tasmania
Tasmania is not often considered when it comes to migrants coming into Australia. It is true that the majority of migrants arrive into Sydney and Melbourne, but with the very large numbers of migrants in the...
Migration within Australia – the hidden story in
In the “Additional Data” section of is the Migration section. This section contains some of the most powerful storytelling within the profile, and can explain a lot of the changes that you see in...
Migration in the last 5 years – focus on Western Australia
The next article in our migration series looks at Australia’s fastest growing state, Western Australia. This series of articles analyses the data available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship...
A Shopping Disaster – The Retail Industry and Young Workers
Shopping is no doubt one of my favourite sports (Note: I consider it a sport because after shopping for a day, my legs ache as much as jogging 4 kilometres). And reading this (refer to original article here)...
Where is the best place to put the .id links on your website?
Local governments subscribe to .id tools for their own use, and also to provide the information to their communities, local businesses, investors and potential residents. In doing so, they provide links from...
Fast Planning in New Zealand
Hey urban planners in OZ!… Do you want some challenges that are a bit different from managing growth? Well check out what’s happening in New Zealand.
Through the lens of the City of Sydney
Back in 1991, the boundaries of the City of Sydney only included the Sydney CBD and Ultimo/Pyrmont. The residential population of the city then was 7,000 and its working population was around 190,000. Twenty...
Migration in the last 5 years – focus on Victoria
The next article in our migration series looks at the state of Victoria. This series of articles analyses the data available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website, to look at likely changes... ? using the infrastructure page for promotion
Forty councils and regions across Australia have now signed on to, the online economic and workforce profile. helps councils to describe, explore and promote their economy. You can see the...
Australia's births reach record numbers
One of the more anticipated publications released by the ABS is Births, Australia (Cat. No. 3301.0) – click here to view publication, which is produced on an annual basis. The data contained in this publication...
Who lives in newly developed suburbs?
We often need to produce population forecasts for future growth areas where, at the last census, few people were living but, once construction starts, the population will grow significantly over a short space...
Families on the Fringe – Affordability or Cycle?
On 17/10/2011, The Age reported, in what seems to be an ongoing series on housing (un)affordability, that families can no longer afford to purchase housing in the inner city. See the article “Housing Costs...
Migration – A Perspective from Wellington, New Zealand
Moving from where you currently live is generally a big deal because it is typically costly and in particular it is hard to leave your local friends and family. People tend to have different propensities to...
Immigration in the past 5 years – focus on NSW
My previous article on immigration looked at the national picture of emerging settlement groups, which arises from the data available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website. But information at...
How to get the most out of your social atlas
Most councils who subscribe to also have The online social atlas contains over 70 maps which allow you to see how different population groups are distributed across your LGA. But