Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Population trends

Mortality in demography – when, how and where do people die?

By Simone - Myth Buster / 05 Apr, 2016

Of the three components of demographic change, the least discussed is mortality. After all, who wants to sound morbid talking about death? But as demographers, we need to understand when, how and where people die because it impacts on...

Biggest, fastest, slowest - latest population growth and change in Australia
By Simone - Myth Buster / 31 Mar, 2016

Each year the ABS releases population data for LGAs and other small area geographies in Australia, and the latest publication was recently released. As always there’s some very interesting data in this release,...

Choosing the right population forecast for local area planning: case study

We sometimes get asked by our local government clients, “Why would I use .id’s forecasts? The state government has their own population projections and they require us to use those.” We are well placed to...

Australia’s population hits 24 million
By Georgia Allan / 15 Feb, 2016

Australia’s population is estimated to reach 24 million at 12:50am (AEDT) tomorrow (16 February 2016)! The ABS population clock is based on assumptions from historical demographic indicators. The current...

Who are the winners and losers in the interstate migration game?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 21 Jan, 2016

Just before Christmas the ABS released its quarterly demographic publication, Australian Demographic Statistics ( 3101.0). The release of this data brings Australia’s demographic story right up to June...

Australia’s growth moderates, Victoria fastest growing state

The ABS released their quarterly Australian Demographic Statistics publication on 17 December. This is the most important release of the year because it contains the end of June estimates which is what all...

Migration between capital cities and regional Australia

The ABS has a new dataset which is great for analyzing where people are moving across Australia. It’s called “RIME”, or the Regional Internal Migration Estimates. This is still experimental, but it’s being...

How many refugees does Australia take?

With the current crisis around Syrian refugees, Australia is under pressure to “do more” with this global issue. We thought we’d provide some context by analysing what Australia does already, and where our...

The top 20 fastest growing suburbs in NSW

In this blog we delve into .id’s Small Area Forecasts (SAFi), and share the top twenty population growth areas in New South Wales. We also offer some insights into the factors driving growth, and share our...

The latest population figures: Australia down, Victoria up

Victoria emerged as the fastest growing state (since 1888!) by population in the latest quarterly issue of Australian Demographic Statistics (3101.0). What are some other interesting population trends for...

Population densities of Australian Capital Cities – Melbourne and Sydney
By Nenad Petrović / 16 Jun, 2015

In part 1 and part 2 , I looked at the greater capital cities in order from smallest to largest with the two remaining ones being the heavyweights – Melbourne and Sydney.

Population densities of Australian capital cities – Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane
By Nenad Petrović / 09 Jun, 2015

In the previous blog, I described in more detail as to why population density analysis is important. This entry continues on from that and describes the population densities in Greater Adelaide, Greater Perth...

Population densities of Australian capital cities
By Nenad Petrović / 04 Jun, 2015

How dense are we? Population densities have traditionally provided information on the distribution of populations across space. By assessing how dense an area is in terms of population, we can determine...

Population change in 2014 – how Sydney got its groove back
By Simone - Myth Buster / 25 May, 2015

In recent years, many parts of Australia have recorded very high rates of population growth, but strangely its largest city – Sydney – has by and large not been part of this record growth trend. For most of the...

Australia’s population – still growing, in different places!

Every year about this time we get an update on population growth at the local level. The ABS updates national and state populations every quarter, but local areas only once a year, in their Regional Population...

What are the characteristics of seniors living in your community?

If you’re planning for services for the ageing community, it’s critical to understand the specific characteristics of the seniors living in your community. How many are living with their children still at home?...

Is Melbourne as dense as Hong Kong?

Recently The Age and various news outlets reported on a study done last year as part of a Churchill Fellowship by a Melbourne City Council staffer. The report was promoted in the television media as...

Australia’s population growth steady, NSW booming

As they often do, a few days before Christmas, the ABS released their June Quarter 2014 update of Australian Demographic Statistics. It shows that in the 2013-14 financial year, Australia’s population grew by...

Australian Population Grid – a new view of population density

The ABS has a habit of releasing interesting things just before Christmas. In 2014, they released a brand new view of Australian population density, enabling mapping which shows our population distribution in...

Perth Metropolitan LGA reform – demographic data towards 1 July 2015

In October, the State Government of Western Australia announced final reformed boundaries for metropolitan Perth (with a couple of exceptions), and Perth councils are now working towards implementing these...

100 years of population change in Tasmania
By Simone - Myth Buster / 06 Jan, 2015

One of my favourite releases (OK there are many) from the ABS is the historical series of population data. After a bit of a hiatus the ABS released an updated series during 2014. This release contains a wealth...

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