Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts


Is your Census information safe? Privacy in the spotlight

With the 2016 Census almost upon us, the issue of data privacy and security has been in the media spotlight again. The Age recently published this critique of the ABS policy by Peter Martin. When this issue was first brought up early in...

Is Australia losing its religion?

It is said that you should never discuss religion, sex or politics. Although religion is the question on the Census that tends to cause the most discussion. It seems everyone has an opinion on it. The Census...

Important Census dates for your diary
By Georgia Allan / 26 Jul, 2016

Hopefully by now you’re all aware that the 2016 Census is happening next month. This is a quick blog to let you know some key dates around the Census – especially as the way the ABS are running things this time...

Standin’ on a corner – are bypassed towns doomed to die?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 07 Jul, 2016

What happens to towns when they’re bypassed by major highways? Are they doomed, or does it present other opportunities?

Forecasting in New Zealand – Building regional knowledge in the Wellington Region
By Nenad Petrović / 23 Jun, 2016

How do regional population growth, migration and movement affect local populations? Two new Territorial Authorities in the Wellington Region have recently obtained population and household forecasts...

Western Sydney – The relationship between population and employment projections
By Rob Hall / 07 Jun, 2016

The Western Sydney University engaged .id to develop small area population, labour force and employment projections for the Greater Western Sydney region. These projections were required to understand the...

The places with the least population change

The ABS releases a publication called “Regional Population Growth” every March, and the media (and .id) focusses mainly on which areas are growing the most, and which areas are declining. A majority of areas...

Latest population figures: Top 50 largest cities and towns in Australia in 2016

This is the latest release of the Top 50 cities and towns in Australia, which we do every year, following the ABS release of their Regional Population Growth publication. As we’ve previously seen, Australia,...

Will Melbourne’s population overtake Sydney? Maybe in…

The rivalry between Australia’s two largest cities has been going on for a long time. At .id we don’t seek to say which one is “better”, but just which one is bigger!

Mortality in demography – when, how and where do people die?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 05 Apr, 2016

Of the three components of demographic change, the least discussed is mortality. After all, who wants to sound morbid talking about death? But as demographers, we need to understand when, how and where people...

Biggest, fastest, slowest - latest population growth and change in Australia
By Simone - Myth Buster / 31 Mar, 2016

Each year the ABS releases population data for LGAs and other small area geographies in Australia, and the latest publication was recently released. As always there’s some very interesting data in this release,...

Australia’s population hits 24 million
By Georgia Allan / 15 Feb, 2016

Australia’s population is estimated to reach 24 million at 12:50am (AEDT) tomorrow (16 February 2016)! The ABS population clock is based on assumptions from historical demographic indicators. The current...

The story of Gold Coast suburbs – live on radio

Recently, .id was approached by ABC radio on the Gold Coast to do a series of radio interviews on the demographics of the Gold Coast. The interesting thing about this one is that it’s not just about the Gold...

Who are the winners and losers in the interstate migration game?
By Simone - Myth Buster / 21 Jan, 2016

Just before Christmas the ABS released its quarterly demographic publication, Australian Demographic Statistics ( 3101.0). The release of this data brings Australia’s demographic story right up to June...

Australia’s oldest state – Tasmania
By Simone - Myth Buster / 14 Jan, 2016

In terms of the age structure, Tasmania is often referred to as Australia’s oldest state.

Australia’s growth moderates, Victoria fastest growing state

The ABS released their quarterly Australian Demographic Statistics publication on 17 December. This is the most important release of the year because it contains the end of June estimates which is what all...

Dispelling myths about Arabic speakers – The Optus billboard

On Tuesday this week it was reported that Optus had taken down an advertising billboard in the Sydney suburb of Casula, after receiving a lot of negative feedback on Facebook. The sign was written in Arabic,...

Lagging doubts about Australia’s declining birth rate
By Simone - Myth Buster / 13 Nov, 2015

Earlier this month the ABS released their annual births publication (ABS 3301.0), which provides a wealth of data – funnily enough – about births in Australia. Georgia has already written a blog which...

Lowest births in Australia for the past 10 years
By Georgia Allan / 05 Nov, 2015

According to ABS births data, there were 299,697 babies born in Australia in 2014. This was a small decrease from the 308,065 recorded in 2013. So what does the ABS data tell us about the babies of 2014 and...

The youngest ethnic group in NSW
By Georgia Allan / 23 Oct, 2015

While calculating the median ages of each birthplace group in New South Wales in order to discover the oldest and youngest ethnic groups, I stumbled upon an interesting figure. The youngest by far is the...

Migration between capital cities and regional Australia

The ABS has a new dataset which is great for analyzing where people are moving across Australia. It’s called “RIME”, or the Regional Internal Migration Estimates. This is still experimental, but it’s being...

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