Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Australian census

Why do we need a Census in 2016 anyway?

By Jo Little / 19 Jul, 2016

As Australia recovers from the Federal election, we are about to embark on our next major national event – the 2016 Census. Australians will be asked to complete their Census forms on Tuesday night 9th of August. While the team at .id...

Who decides what’s in the 2016 Census?
By Rebecca / 14 Jul, 2016

The Australian 2016 Census is fast approaching and we’ll be bringing you interesting and informative insights over the next month. As you are filling in your Census form on the 9th of August, you may wonder:...

Is the Census private and why does it matter?

On 18th December 2015, the ABS put out this media release on privacy of Census data. I didn’t notice, and I follow the ABS quite closely. Most people didn’t notice, possibly due to the proximity to Christmas....

Australia’s population hits 24 million
By Georgia Allan / 15 Feb, 2016

Australia’s population is estimated to reach 24 million at 12:50am (AEDT) tomorrow (16 February 2016)! The ABS population clock is based on assumptions from historical demographic indicators. The current...

The youngest ethnic group in NSW
By Georgia Allan / 23 Oct, 2015

While calculating the median ages of each birthplace group in New South Wales in order to discover the oldest and youngest ethnic groups, I stumbled upon an interesting figure. The youngest by far is the...

2016 Census goes digital – .id’s views on the changes to Census

On August 20, 2015, the ABS released their “Census Nature and Content” document for the 2016 Census. This normally comes out about 2 years before the Census, so it’s a bit late this time, due to the confusion...

Updates on the 2016 Census

What are some of changes you can expect to see in the 2016 Census with the additional funding boost?

Census 2016 is going ahead

It will be a relief to many of our readers to learn that the 2016 Census will be going ahead, with the ABS receiving a much needed funding boost in the upcoming budget. You can read details in this article in...

Nine things we wouldn’t know without a Census
By Simone - Myth Buster / 02 Apr, 2015

Last week the ABS confirmed that a decision regarding the fate of the 2016 Census and the future of the five yearly Census cycle was still on hold. One of the reasons the ABS wants to move the Census to a ten...

Let’s join forces to Save the 2016 Census

If, like us, you think shifting the Census from a five to ten yearly cycle is a bad idea, let’s join forces to stop it. If you believe in planning at the local level for local communities, join with us to help...

Why we need to save the 2016 Census

It has been 2 weeks since the ABS dropped the bombshell that the Australian Statistician is proposing to cancel the 2016 Census. In that time there has been a lot of support for the Census, but several major...

Axe the 2016 Census? You've got to be kidding!

Canada have done it, with terrible results. The UK have threatened to do it and then gone back. Now it’s Australia’s turn, apparently. The government and ABS is refusing to confirm whether the 2016 Census will...

Who works the most, men or women?

Thinking back to filling in the Census form in 2011, there were two questions on that form which generated the most interest in the general public, and the most discussion in the media. One was Religion, and...

South East Queensland: The 200 kilometre city
By Simone - Myth Buster / 15 Oct, 2013

On a recent trip to Queensland I was lucky enough to be flying on a clear day, which allows demographic nerds like myself to get a birdseye view of the towns, cities and countryside below. I’m a big fan of the...

What’s happening with population growth in Australia?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has just released its latest population summary for Australian States and Territories in their publication Australian Demographic Statistics (Cat No 3101.0) for the...

Understanding local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations

Here at .id, we have just launched our first “community of interest” profile based on the 2011 platform. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (indigenous) community profile lets councils look in...

Part 3: Can I compare SEIFA scores over time?

Since the release of the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas, we have been getting a lot of questions about whether users can compare SEIFA scores over time. It’s a very natural thing to want to do – we all want...

Socio-economic indexes – what are they?

On March 28th, the day before Easter, the ABS released the final dataset derived from the 2011 Census, the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas. Some people may know this better as the “Index of Disadvantage”...

Socio-economic index of Advantage/Disadvantage – what are the results?

The ABS has continued its habit of releasing significant results before major public holidays, by releasing the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) on March 28th, 2013, the day before the Easter break. The...

Where has all our employment gone?

After first release of Census, I wrote a blog about the higher quality of the Census data in 2011, compared to 2006. In general this is true, but unfortunately the second release has revealed an area where the...

Value-adding to Census data

.id regards the ABS website as a fantastic resource for raw data pertaining to Australian society. The ABS run one of the most comprehensive and high quality Censuses in the world, so Local Government in...

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