Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

By - penny population expert

Travel to work trends – buses still not sexy enough?

There’s not a council in New Zealand (or Australia for that matter) not actively encouraging people to make healthy, safe, environmentally sustainable transport choices whether it is through engineering, education or enforcement...

Statistics New Zealand releases the first population estimates from adjusted 2013 census data

If you are armpit deep in LTP planning, Statistics New Zealand’s release of revised subnational population estimates as at June 2013 will have been very, very welcome. The national population estimates using...

National demographic indicators for New Zealand – where does your area rank?

.id is proud to announce the launch of our New Zealand National Demographic Indicators Series (NDIS). The table ranks all Territorial Authorities (TAs) on a range of demographic measures.

A smokefree generation in New Zealand?

In a recent blog, an .id colleague looked at smoker behaviour across Australia. The New Zealand 2013 Census results make for interesting comparison and the subject interested me after recently meeting a PhD...

NZ Deprivation Index – looking at deprivation from another angle

In a recent blog I looked at the development of the deprivation index in New Zealand (NZDep) and debated the strengths and weaknesses of its use. But talking to my Te Puni Kōkiri contact last week, he made a...

The NZ Social Deprivation Index is out – how will it help us plan and allocate resources?

The New Zealand 2013 Social Deprivation Index (NZDep) data was released recently. For those councils with, the updated NZDep figures can be viewed for each city/district down to a small area...

Designing homes for an ageing population

In recent blogs I have looked at the rising numbers and proportion of older people in the New Zealand population. Most Councils I work with are well aware that the type of houses built in the next decade will...

Home alone

Over a coffee, a mate was recently mulling over her lot as a widowed woman close to retirement age. Apart from the amusing tales she had to tell of rejoining the dating game after a 40 year sabbatical, this...

NZ Census 2013: Out with the old …. and in with the new

Check out the new look sites our New Zealand clients have welcomed on-board this week ….. and (drumroll) the first instalment of the 2013 Census data has rolled through them overnight.

New Zealander ethnicity – state of mind, marketing mojo, or question classification?

When Billy Joel sung about being “in a New York state of mind” he talked of his identity and about going back to his roots. New Yorkers, there are over eight million of them, have a very strong identity. On the...

NZ: Sand, new dwellings, apartments and retirement!

In the construction industry, the Canterbury rebuild and Auckland’s housing shortage have been dominating media stories for some time. Much is made of Stats NZ’s monthly building consent figures. Building...

2013 New Zealand Census – Usual Resident Population figures released

Data from the 2013 Census for New Zealand is starting to roll out of Stats NZ (the kiwi ABS). This blog is for our Australian readers with an interest in New Zealand. It’s a quick update of recently released...

How smart is Whanganui?

In October 2012, Whanganui was named New Zealand’s first Smart21 Intelligent Community. Three Australian communities – Ballarat and Whittlesea in Victoria, and Prospect in South Australia were also in the top...

From Copenhagen to the Chathams?

The .id gang went to the movies recently to check out Andreas Dalsgaard’s documentary The Human Scale, which looked at the work of Jan Gehl and his team of architects across ten cities including Copenhagen, New...

Who works harder, Kiwis or Aussies?

If science is the organised pursuit of triviality and art the casual pursuit of significance (according to Vera Nazarian), which camp does quizzing sit in? Quizzing is a world-wide phenomenon these days. I mean...

Housing Jack’s beanstalk – Auckland’s Unitary plan

In my last blog I looked at historical growth in Auckland and talked only briefly about growth projections for Auckland. However, Statistics NZ’s projection that Auckland’s population will grow by a million...

Auckland’s growth – just like Jack’s beanstalk

I’ve been developing a fascination for the heady population growth figures of Auckland. The fascination is particularly strong after recently spending time in the deep south of the South Island and in the Far...

Put your hand up if you are a New Zealander!

In a previous blog, I discussed the spatial distribution of different ethnicities in New Zealand. Now that the 2013 census is well under way, it is interesting to contemplate what the results will reveal in...

New Zealand’s changing ethnic profile – what will the 2013 census reveal?

A crystal ball isn’t necessary to predict that the 2013 census will confirm an increasingly diverse New Zealand population. The “who”, and “where” of this prediction requires more thought though, because the...

New Zealand census: Immigration patterns

A while ago I wrote about internal migration patterns, noting that New Zealand has surprisingly high levels in internal mobility. Yet while New Zealand communities are constantly changing as a result of people...

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