By - glenn the census expert
Update on the 2021 Census collection – 13 September
In this post, Glenn updates us on the latest Census tally figures from the ABS. How is the Census response rate tracking? How do unoccupied dwellings affect this story?
COVID vaccination rates and SEIFA
As many of us breathlessly review the daily vaccination rates, Glenn takes a look at how vaccination rates differ between LGAs – and how this difference bares a strong resemblance to areas of advantage and...
Update on the 2021 Census collection
Our Census expert, Glenn, gives an update on where the Census collection sits two weeks after Census night.
Census Crystal Ball Gazing 2021: what will the Census show?
With Census Day 2021 just passed, Glenn Capuano – demographer and .id’s Census expert – lays out his top predictions for the results of this pandemic-era survey of Australia’s population.
Happy Census Day 2021!
To mark Census Day 2021, Glenn Capuano gives us a recap and update on where things sit with the Census – and reminds everyone to fill in your Census form!
Census in lockdown – what does it mean?
In the wake of the announcement of Victoria’s 6th lockdown – with Sydney, the NSW Hunter Region and South East Queensland already in lockdown – it’s clear that large segments of the Australian population will...
What’s happening to South Australia’s population?
How are COVID-19 restrictions impacting South Australia’s population growth? In today’s blog, Glenn looks at how the effects of the pandemic relate to South Australia compared to (the more talked about) New...
What’s new for Census 2021
In just over a month, the 18th national Census of Population and Housing will happen. Census night is August 10th, 2021. In a previous post, Glenn went through some of the background to Census, why we have it,...
Census 2021 refresher
Ahead of August’s Australian Census, our resident Census expert has put together a Census refresher, answering all those questions you were too afraid to ask. Do I have to fill it out on the night? When do we...
Queensland drives Australia's population growth while Victoria declines
Part of our ongoing monitoring of new population data, this blog sees Glenn unpack the December 2020 quarter release, focusing on how natural increase, overseas migration and interstate migration combine to...
Telling the local story of migration in the COVID era
With international migration on hold, population pundits are paying close attention to internal migration around Australia. Glenn takes a look at the trends in the latest data and showcases how to tell this...
Exodus from Sydney and Melbourne accelerates in late 2020
In this latest blog in our series on new migration data, Glenn explores the figures from the December 2020 quarter and discusses the emerging trends for people moving around Australia.
The 50 largest cities in Australia | 2021 update
An updated (pandemic edition) of this blog has been published. See the 2022 table of Australia’s largest cities here.
Population growth slows in 2020 but Perth is the fastest growing LGA
Glenn explores the annual regional population data release from the ABS, telling the story of population growth and decline across Local Government Areas and the impact we’re seeing from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Migration out of Sydney and Melbourne continues in the September quarter
The ABS has released a new quarter’s worth of migration data, giving further insight into how the pandemic is affecting migration patterns around Australia. In today’s blog, Glenn summarises the latest...
Happy 10th birthday to .id's blog!
Ten years ago, .id published our first blog. Glenn takes a look back at a decade of conversations about demographics, population forecasting, economics, housing and more.
COVID-19 pandemic rapidly slowing Australia's population growth
The latest population figures for Australia includes the March–June 2020 quarter, giving us a key insight into how the pandemic is affecting population changes. In this blog, Glenn breaks down the figures from...
Australia’s birth rate falls to the lowest in a century
The ABS has just released the count of births and birth rate for the 2019 calendar year, recording a significant decrease in the nation’s birth rate. In this blog, Glenn explores Australia’s historic birth...
Geelong region – a growth area’s affordable housing journey
Geelong and surrounding LGAs are experiencing unprecendeted growth, from Melbourne and around Victoria. In this blog, Glenn looks at the impact this growth is having on the region’s housing story. Where is this...
Changes to topics in the 2021 Census
After a long consultation and investigation period, the ABS has confirmed changes to the questions that will be asked in the upcoming Australian Census. Glenn Capuano, our resident Census expert, explores the...
Coober Pedy – a look at the underground town’s Community Profile
.id’s Community Profile ( is not just for larger councils. In recent years a number of small rural communities have joined the community, for the flexibility it has in demonstrating the...