Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

Economic analysis

Tourism – Visitor Survey data now live in!

Have you ever wanted to know how many visitors come to your Local Government Area (LGA) from interstate? Overseas, or as local day trippers? We are pleased to announce that we have come to an arrangement with Tourism Research Australia...

.id helps secure funding for cinema complex in Kempsey
By Rob Hall / 01 Dec, 2015

Kempsey Shire Council received a $2m grant from the National Stronger Regions Fund for development of a cinema complex in the Kempsey CBD.

Manufacturing in decline? Not in this town…
By Rob Hall / 28 Nov, 2015

I recently wrote about Australia’s economic transformation to services and knowledge intensive activities (see here). Alongside this trend has been a steady decline in overall manufacturing jobs. But the...

Economic appraisal of Bathurst Bike Park
By Rob Hall / 01 Nov, 2015

.id undertook an economic appraisal of a $1.6 million upgrade to the Bathurst Bike Park.

Positioning our suburbs and regional cities for economic growth – why place matters
By Rob Hall / 13 Oct, 2015

“It would appear that a spot has at last been found upon the south coast of New Holland… All who have ever landed there agree to the richness of its soil and the abundance of its pastures.” ~~ Charles Sturt,...

Economic appraisal of Bathurst Regional Airport
By Rob Hall / 01 Oct, 2015

.id’s economic appraisal of upgrades to the Bathurst Regional Airport helped Bathurst Regional Council to secure $2.5m in funding from the National Stronger Region Fund.

Strategies for encouraging employment clusters outside the CBD
By Rob Hall / 29 Sep, 2015

Employment clusters are becoming more and more important as Australia shifts towards an economy based on skills, ideas and connections. But where are they? How are they changing? And how can we help them get...

Economic appraisal of Beverley Multipurpose Community Centre
By Rob Hall / 01 Sep, 2015

The Beverley Community Resource Centre will provide a revitalised, stable and integral hub for the Beverley Community.

How housing affordability can play a role in economic development
By Rob Hall / 27 Aug, 2015

Housing affordability is typically considered a social issue and is given limited attention in many economic development strategies. Research by .id shows that if housing is no longer affordable for lower...

Insights for local governments from the Federal Budget
By Rob Hall / 30 Jun, 2015

The 2015-16 Federal Budget has now been handed down. Budget Paper 1 provides a treasure trove of economic analysis and forecasts of the Australian economy. Let’s synthesize the main points of interest for local...

Poorest postcodes in Australia
By Georgia Allan / 08 May, 2015

In Australia, the richest and poorest areas have recorded an income gap of approximately 150k. Both these areas are located within New South Wales. What causes this disparity within one single state? What...

The economic value of places within your LGA

What economic contribution does a place make? How many industries are in this area and how productive are they? Is our local shopping area the main contributor to the economic output of our place? These and...

What do the 2013/2014 economic datasets tell us?

We have recently fully updated all sites with 2013/14 datasets from NIEIR.

What is the value of housing in your local economy?

We are very excited to introduce new data on housing valuation and rental listings to our economic profiles (, via our new partnership with Hometrack Pty. Ltd.

People: The new drivers of economic growth
By RYAN / 25 Nov, 2014

GDP has grown steadily over decades, despite some economic shocks, and wages, employment and productivity have generally performed well. In the decade leading up to 2013 the size of the economy has grown at...

Businesses use demographics to reduce loan repayments

Businesses are increasingly using demographics to help them find new customers, obtain business finance more readily and reduce their business costs. Have a look at this video put together by the Sunshine Coast... – enhanced work destination data now included

.id is pleased to announce an update to the datasets in The spatial economy dataset now includes an enhanced imputed dataset using a methodology used by the Bureau of Transport Statistics, New South...

.id tools a “game changer” for Fraser Coast businesses

“Ensuring prospective and existing businesses have access to the latest information and statistics allows them to make more informed decisions and ultimately creates better business.” David Spear, General...

A closer look at Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs’ economy

The Eastern suburbs of Sydney – Bondi, Randwick, Maroubra, Double Bay and South Head – include some of Australia’s most well known places. Situated just east of the City of Sydney, the geographically compact...

The advantage/disadvantage spectrum in Western Australia

When you look at SEIFA scores (Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas), Western Australia comes up pretty well. It has the highest scores, indicating more affluence, and higher incomes than any other state, and is...

How to calculate the economic impact of running an event

Events are very important contributors to local and regional economies. A successful well run event can provide significant value to an area by adding jobs and money to the local economy and providing cultural...

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