Demographic insights, tips and news from the experts

New zealand population and census

“Top Town” – Delving deeper into New Zealand’s subnational population estimates

By Nenad Petrović / 13 Nov, 2012

From the mid 1970s to 1990, kiwis would tune in every week to watch a popular TV show called “Top Town” in which contestants from all over the country, whether from the tiniest of towns or biggest cities, competed through many different...

Ongoing impact of Canterbury earthquakes reflected in the latest subnational population estimates
By Nenad Petrović / 26 Oct, 2012

This week Statistics New Zealand released subnational population estimates for the year to 30th June 2012. These releases provide estimates of the population at the regional and territorial authority (TA)...

New Zealand census: Immigration patterns

A while ago I wrote about internal migration patterns, noting that New Zealand has surprisingly high levels in internal mobility. Yet while New Zealand communities are constantly changing as a result of people...

NZ local government deja-vu

Local government in New Zealand is on the verge of reform … again. The recent Better Local Government proposals are poised to potentially transform the role and shape of councils. But change is not a new thing...

The future of the Census in New Zealand – a history of Census taking

The tradition of census records is almost as old as recorded history itself. There is evidence that China compiled lists of inhabitants for tax and military purposes as early as 2300 BC and for similar reasons,...

Demographics is for the nerds… discuss!

It was a pleasure to spend time in Wanganui recently at the Wanganui District Council-run TechEx (checkout their website ). It was a three day IT expo focusing on the opportunities that their...

Wanganui's baby blues
By Ivan - The Founder / 18 May, 2012

A case study of the impacts of service delivery on population outcomes.

Finding the “hard to reach” in our communities

Local Government does great work consulting with its local communities. But as these communities change and become increasingly diverse, is the public consultation process keeping up with this trend?

Fast Planning in New Zealand
By Ivan - The Founder / 25 Nov, 2011

Hey urban planners in OZ!… Do you want some challenges that are a bit different from managing growth? Well check out what’s happening in New Zealand.

Migration – A Perspective from Wellington, New Zealand
By Ivan - The Founder / 26 Oct, 2011

Moving from where you currently live is generally a big deal because it is typically costly and in particular it is hard to leave your local friends and family. People tend to have different propensities to...

Spatial Planning - a new paradigm for planning in New Zealand?
By Ivan - The Founder / 14 Sep, 2011

Spatial Planning has a long tradition in the northern hemisphere; and it’s likely to be widely adopted by local government in New Zealand – with Auckland Council about to publish its first Spatial Plan. Spatial...

Census Data, People & Places…a New Zealand case study
By Ivan - The Founder / 26 Aug, 2011

In my short time in New Zealand, I have observed some concern about Census data being ‘out-of-date’, with that concern being fuelled by it now being delayed to 2013. However, I believe the 2006 Census data is...

The Christchurch earthquake – from a Census perspective…
By Nenad Petrović / 17 Mar, 2011

Just over three weeks ago, on Tuesday the 22nd of February 2011, Christchurch, the largest city on New Zealand’s South Island was hit by a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake killing over 160 people, injuring...

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