Community views
How many people do I need to survey?
A question I’m always asked by our local government clients is ‘how many people do we need to survey for our results to be representative?’ While survey method plays a big role in answering this question, sample size is also an...
It's 2021, which survey method should I use?
At the risk of pointing out the obvious, digitisation has changed the way we do a lot of things. From ordering a pizza to visiting a doctor, technological advancements have and will continue to impact the way...
Liveability? Where is the community’s view in all of this?
In this article, Dan argues that while we can certainly take learnings from studies that bring a top-down approach to understanding liveability, the local policy context really requires a resident-centric...
'Affordable decent housing' - the 2nd most important liveability attribute
This series takes a deeper look at the attributes that Australians believe makes somewhere a good place to live, where our values and local area experiences differ, rationalisations and implications. In this...
Understanding ‘feeling safe’ – the most important liveability attribute
This series takes a deeper look at the attributes that Australians believe makes somewhere a good place to live, where our values and local area experiences differ, rationalisations and implications. In this...
Living in Place for the City of Ipswich – a case study
This brief case study discusses the City of Ipswich’s experience working with .id to deliver their first annual Living in Place project. It talks through why the City needed Living in Place, some of the...
Living in Place – a new way to act in your community’s best interests
Despite immense variation in size, composition and character, local governments share one common responsibility – to act in the best interests of the community they are entrusted to represent.