Let’s join forces to Save the 2016 Census

Lailani - Population News

Lailani is responsible for content and strategy at .id, ensuring our clients’ needs are central to our enterprise and that we generously share our knowledge with the broadest audience. As a member of our Board, Lailani works with Ivan and Janet to set the strategic direction for the company. Her current focus is our Placemaker consulting business and she has worked with numerous clients across retail, finance, property, local government, education and not-for-profits to put together the best evidence-base for their spatial decision making. With degrees in Business Studies and Economics, she has worked in business development and marketing roles for IBM and SPSS in the UK, as well as a stint as a ranger in Kakadu National Park. Lailani is an Alexander Technique practitioner, surfer and traveller.

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11 Responses

  1. Please keep the 2016 Census

  2. Matthew Deacon says:

    Cancelling the census = being on the wrong side of history. How will those people be remembered? They were the ones who destroyed not only an incredible source of information in order to save a few pennies, they destroyed an institution. We have conducted the Census every five years since 1961 and that continuity is irreplaceable.

  3. Julie says:

    The census is so important for so many reasons including planning services and facilities for our population. The majority of organisations and individuals that rely of this data already find the existing timeframe creates problems as you near the next census as the data could be up to 6 years old (release can take up to a year after the census is run). Could you imagine if you had to rely on data that was 10 years old!!! SAVE OUR CENSUS

  4. Lucy Robson says:

    Important for business and government planning, cutting it is short sighted and a false economy. Thank you .ID for the letter templates working on my letter now.

  5. Phillip Hoare says:

    The Five Year Census data is critical to allow for sound planning by the property investment and development industry to meet the demands of the evolving demographic landscape and remain competitive in the global environment.

    • Hi Phillip – we couldn’t agree more. We work with a number of property development companies who use the Census data every day. Please feel free to adapt the contents of our letter to express the concerns of your industry and send it on to the address in this blog.

  6. Michael Knight says:

    As a property research professional and urban economist, I can only say that any decision to axe or seriously trim the census is the height of short sighted policy vandalism.

    Rather than couching it as a cost and an administrative burden, it should be viewed in terms of the value add across pretty well every area of social and economic policy, planning and resource allocation in this country. The property and community sectors, in both private and public sectors, that I work with would be completely hamstrung with out it.

    Myopic policy and spectaularly bad thinking.

    • Hi Michael, we couldn’t agree more. As Ivan wrote in the latest .id newsletter
      Astonishingly, this is being considered at the same time that there are some important questions that need to be answered at this point in our social and economic history.
      • How do we undertake the economic transition from mining boom to knowledge economy?
      • How do we plan for and fund the infrastructure needed for that transition?
      • How do we fund education and re skilling of the workforce?
      • How do we provide excellent childcare?
      • How do we resolve housing affordability?
      • How do we address the ageing of the population?
      • Should we continue to receive large numbers of migrants?
      • How do we address issues of security and social cohesion within our communities?

      It is a strange irony to acknowledge the need to transition to a ‘knowledge’ economy on the one hand, while proposing to abandon the singular most important evidence base that will enable us to get there.

      Please feel free to adapt our letter for your industry and send it on to Canberra.

  7. Alicia Brown says:

    You guys need a Change.org petition!

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