It’s 2019! Is Census data outdated?

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1 Response

  1. Graham Jolly says:

    The data being collected is purely driven by Government Authorities. Data should be collected for all 79 Shire Councils :-
    Financial Reserves of Shire Councils supported by cash or investments and not supported in any way for all 79 Councils.
    Developer contributions monetary and not monetary.
    Total actual Capital expenditure for a financial year.
    Total actual Fees and Charges collected for a financial year with the increases from the previous year.
    Total Employee expenses and Total wages for a financial year and employee numbers.
    Total Waste expenditure and Income towards Waste collection.
    Total Legal expenses for a financial year.
    Total Consultants expenses for a financial year.
    Total numbers of Solar panel install for each Shire wide and the overall numbers.

    Put all my points to your readers and ask them to advise.

    Happy New Yead

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