Positioning our suburbs and regional cities for economic growth – why place matters

Rob Hall

Rob is driven by a desire to help shape communities for a better future. Trained as an economist, he has a unique twenty-year background in economics, demographics, statistics and strategic planning with a focus on understanding how economic forces influences local government areas across Australia. At .id, Rob provides Local Government with high-quality analysis and information tools, including specialised consulting services and tailored information products such as economy.id.

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5 Responses

  1. Michael McGarry says:

    This is an interesting concept in cities and growth. It is one which has largely seen the city of Berlin flourish since the ‘wall’ came down. Berlin’s active creative arts population moved in to disused warehouses and found themselves clustered thus causing thriving areas of arts culture. The same has occurred in the technology and innovation sector in the city which through clusters now employs more Berliners than any other industry.

  2. Shayne says:

    I love these reports. What I am burning to know is correlations between the future labour market and locations of jobs particularly for workers who can’t access their super until they are 70. What the hell are we going to do and where can we live to do this stuff?

  3. Colin Mackay says:

    Is it just me? I can’t get the presentations to rum?

  4. stephen says:

    Hi there,
    I’ve found this interesting as its a topic lingering in my mind for my area, i am an architect with a passion of place making and wonder if you have developed any tools now.
    I do agree with your notion that place matters and am interested in the process and tools of making ‘the place”. I do understand that place will differ due to many factors, but am optimistic that there are universal tools to place make.

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