Broadcasting to hard-to-reach communities

Broadcasting to hard-to-reach communities

Nenad Petrović 23 Jun, 2020

We’re living in a time where the link between accurate information and our personal and collective wellbeing is very close indeed. So if you’re responsible for getting out a public health message about coronavirus, how do you make sure everyone gets the message? Getting important information about the latest guidelines and policies to hard to reach communities such as non-English speakers or people without an internet connection is both important and a known challenge.

Nenad demonstrates how to use our social atlas and community profile tools to identify where these hard to reach groups are in your community. If you need more detailed information, you can contact Nenad and the team here.

This is the latest in our series to help you identify vulnerable communities in your area. See the full collection in our interactive digital whitepaper here.

Find this information for your area


As of a few days ago, health officials have identified a few concerning flare-ups in the community transmission of Covid-19. In particular, clusters and hotspots have been identified in these six local government areas: Hume, Casey, Brimbank, Moreland, Cardinia and Darebin (click the links to open our social atlas for each area).

The State Government is acting quickly to reduce the chances of these flare-ups and community transmissions getting out of hand. The strategy is to impose stricter movement and gathering limitations in those areas while ensuring that other parts of Melbourne City and the State of Victoria continue with the economic recovery.

To achieve these goals, quick, focused and efficient action is needed and communication becomes an important tool.

The Premier, Daniel Andrews, has announced that health officials will begin to visit households in hotspot areas to provide health advice and make sure that residents are aware of what is happening and what their obligations are. There are concerns Covid-19 messaging is not reaching multicultural communities in hotspot areas and with quick, collective action needed to stop community spread of the virus, you need to know where extra effort and different approaches are required.

In the video above, I show you how to use our Social Atlas and Community Profile tools to build a communication strategy and quickly identify areas where:

  • English proficiency is low
  • Which languages spoken at home are predominant in those areas
  • How many residents may not be receiving your online broadcasts and messages due to no connection to the internet

Thankfully, all of the six hotspot LGAs are subscribers to our Social Atlas and Community Profile tools so if you’re involved in any of this urgent work in these municipalities, follow the links below and contact us if you need assistance.

Need more detailed information?

In the video, I’ve given you a few examples of specialised profiles we can create for you which identify combinations of demographic characteristics of residents most at rick of not receiving Covid-19 messaging quickly and effectively. If you need help identifying a particular group (language, English proficiency, age or internet-connection, or you’re not sure which indicators of vulnerability are most important in your area), get in touch with our community team here.

Nenad Petrović

Nenad’s background is in geosciences and geographic information systems. At .id, Nenad has experience as both as a demographer and population forecaster. His areas of expertise are place-based analysis, identifying spatial patterns in demographic trends, community profiling, catchment analysis and an understanding of role and function of different communities.

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